26 articles17 jours30902023Tout
18/05/2024  3 min #248836

Loi pour l'abolition de la Réserve fédérale américaine

par Geopolintel

En novembre 1910, de puissants banquiers américains dont Paul Warburg, se sont réunis à Jekyll Island, pour élaborer un système financier mondial pour contrôler l'économie mondiale. Cette réunion aboutira à la création du système de Réserve fédérale, le 23 décembre 1913. Ils ont créé un système qui contrôle le système financier mondial pour leurs propres profits, ainsi que les politiques mondiales.

18/05/2024  10 min 🇬🇧 #248820

Why Washington Dc is the War Capital of the World

By David Stockman

David Stockman's Contra Corner

May 18, 2024

Ultimately, there is no mystery as to why the Forever Wars go on endlessly. Or why at a time when Uncle Sam is hemorrhaging red ink a large bipartisan majority saw fit to authorize $95 billion of foreign aid boondoggles that do absolutely nothing for America's homeland security.

To wit, Washington has morphed into a freak of world history-a planetary War Capital dominated by a panoptic complex of arms merchants, paladins of foreign intervention and adventure and Warfare State nomenklatura.

18/05/2024  10 min 🇬🇧 #248819

How Westward Expansion Strengthened the Federal Government

By Ryan McMaken

May 18, 2024

[Dangerous Ground by John Suval, Oxford, 2022, 281 pp.]

Historian Charles Tilly once famously described the origins of the state as this: "war made the state and the state made war." Tilly also understood, however, that the process of building and consolidating state power involved much more than simply waging wars against competing states. As Tilly notes in his book Coercion, Capital, and European States, states engage in several other activities to consolidate and expand their power.

18/05/2024  5 min 🇬🇧 #248817

An Urgent Matter

By James Howard Kunstler

May 18, 2024

"If the government can suspend your rights anytime it deems something is a crisis, you don't have rights. You have permissions." - "Pismo" on "X"

While our country sleepwalks through the deadly aftermath of the evil Covid-19 operation, the World Health Organization (WHO) puts the final touches on a nice bit of fuckery called its Pandemic Treaty on International Health Regulations (IHR) or "One Health" initiative, a Globalist power grab disguised in the saintly white robes of public health medicine.

17/05/2024  8 min 🇬🇧 #248749

State Intervention and Anarchy

By Wanjiru Njoya

May 17, 2024

In Against the State, Lew Rockwell emphasizes that the assault on our liberties from the state is not merely "the product of temporary malfunctions. To the contrary, the state is by nature evil." Rockwell shows that the state is founded on coercion and maintains its power by use of force.

In recent years, following the rise of environmentalism, public health "safetyism," and the war against "hate," state interventions have encroached even further into private and family life.

17/05/2024  4 min 🇬🇧 #248746

California and New York Are Even Shaking Down Fleeing Residents

By Douglas French

May 17, 2024

Those who have declared residency in another state cannot spend even a minute beyond the allowed time in either high tax New York or California. And, Big Brother is watching. George Orwell could not conjure up a more diabolical tale than the Bloomberg story penned by Laura Nahmias and Eliyahu Kamisher.

"The minute you file a partial return you're going to hear from New York state," said Jonathan Mariner, who created TaxDay, an app that tracks users' locations so they don't overstay the threshold of days that would trigger residency status, which is typically 184 (for irony, slip a nine in after the one).

17/05/2024  10 min 🇬🇧 #248745

Whistling Past the National Train Wreck

By Donald Jeffries
"I Protest"

May 17, 2024

There are only so many ways one can say that America is collapsing. That the Fat Lady is nearing the end of her song. That we're running on fumes. If Yogi Berra were around, he'd say it's over. We had a good run, as far as civilizations go. We were the light of the world for a long time. Maybe even Reagan's shining city upon a hill.

Yesterday, Jason Whitlock reported on one Dexter Taylor, a software engineer who was just convicted and sentenced to ten years for constructing his own guns without a license.

16/05/2024  5 min 🇬🇧 #248684

The Killer Instinct

By Edward Curtin

May 16, 2024

We went to Rat Island to kill, but it was not rats we were after. I was ten years old, as was my companion John. The island lay in the Bronx River just north of the Botanical Gardens in the vast and verdant Bronx Park. It was accessed by a fallen tree trunk and held a dangerous allure. How it got its name we did not know. It wasn't an official name but was known to all the boys in the neighborhood, whispered like a ghost story in the night.

16/05/2024  4 min 🇬🇧 #248681

Precarious: One Misfortune Away from Insolvency

By Charles Hugh Smith

May 16, 2024

As a result, a significant percentage of households that are considered middle-class are one misfortune away from insolvency.

We can summarize the changes in our economy over the past two generations with one word: precarity, as life for the bottom 90% of American households has become far more precarious over the past 40 years, despite the rising GDP and "wealth" as measured in phantom capital.

16/05/2024  8 min 🇬🇧 #248679

Usa : Mobilisation des étudiants de la célèbre université de Columbia à New York !

Texas Governor Abbott Doesn't Understand the First Amendment

By Aaron Sobczak

May 7, 2024

On the 27th of March, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed an executive order which had the purpose of curbing speech deemed as "anti-semitic" on all state-run universities. Unfortunately, speech protection on public universities has been shaky in the past with universities attempting to restrict speech many times with varying levels of success. Supreme Court decision Healey v James 1972 states that "Among the rights protected by the First Amendment is the right of individuals to associate to further their personal beliefs.

15/05/2024  14 min 🇬🇧 #248610

Found in Translation

By Tim Hartnett

May 15, 2024

People who don't make sense are not always incompetent. Fuzzy ideas make good camouflage while sneaking up on the public with an ideological Louisville Slugger. Trying to squeeze out the point can be counterproductive. If you're game for a lengthy splainin' ask, 'just what do you mean?' It'll learn you to say 'uncle' before delving further.

There is a lot of talk circulating about how to improve on the free flow of information enabled by the World Wide Web.

15/05/2024  6 min 🇬🇧 #248608

The Shieldmaiden Takes the Field Against the Destroyers of the West

By Paul Craig Roberts

May 15, 2024

A young Dutch female lawyer has undertaken the task of encouraging white Europeans to take a stand against the replacement of countries consisting of ethnic nationalities, such as Germans, English, French, Italians, Dutch, Spanish, Hungarians, with towers of babel. In our world today, as in George Orwell's novel 1984, words are turned upside down and have the opposite of their meaning.

14/05/2024  6 min #248551

État de l'Armée et de la Marine états-uniennes

par Dominique Delawarde

Dans un entretien télévisé de 8 minutes, un ancien officier US, Stanislav Krapivnik, décrit l'état et les capacités de l'Armée US.

Parce que ses déclarations correspondent en tous points à ma propre évaluation de ces forces armées, lorsque j'étais en poste aux USA, je me fais un devoir de la relayer pour informer mes concitoyens de la situation, et du fait qu'il ne faut pas tout attendre de l'allié états-unien.

14/05/2024 #248541

États-Unis : interdire Tiktok reviendrait à «se tirer une balle dans le pied», selon Pékin

Quelles magouilles politiques ont mené à l'interdiction de Tiktok ?

par Idriss J. Aberkane

L'Administration «Biden» aussi bien que les démocrates et une frange solide des républicains veulent faire interdire TikTok aux États-Unis. Après la censure brutale de RT et Sputnik dans tous les pays de l'Union européenne sans aucune consultation des peuples prétendument souverains, après la tentative d'interdire X (Twitter) par le commissaire politique Thierry Breton, on assiste à une nouvelle bouffée de Maccarthysme délirant en Extrême Occident.

13/05/2024  6 min #248485

Manèges de carnaval

«On ne fait pas confiance à ces agences parce qu'elles ne sont pas dignes de confiance». (El Gato Malo sur «X»)

par James Howard Kunstler

Le miasme de l'anxiété qui embrume tant de cerveaux dans notre pays troublé commence à se dissiper à mesure que chaque récit servi par les services de renseignements fascistes américains devient ennuyeusement rassis et impuissant. Le pire des mèmes médiatiques, à savoir qu'une administration vicieuse «défend notre démocratie», est porté en dérision alors qu'il est répété sans cesse par des valets comme Jen Psaki et Lawrence O'Donnell de la chaîne MSNBC.

13/05/2024  8 min 🇬🇧 #248478

Beware of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

May 13, 2024

The House of Representatives passed the "Anti-Semitism Awareness Act" on May 2, by a vote of 320-91 in reaction to demonstrations on numerous university campuses and elsewhere against the brutal and genocidal policy of Israel in Gaza. The Act has now been sent to the Senate, where it seems certain to pass. This is an extremely dangerous bill that could criminalize the Bible, many Christian Churches, as well as any negative remarks about Israel and Jews.

13/05/2024  6 min 🇬🇧 #248476

Next Up, Realism!

By Karen Kwiatkowski

May 13, 2024

Realism seems to have fallen out of favor in the West, but it just might be ready for a brilliant return to the stage.

I'm expecting an abrupt end of the Zelensky regime in Kiev, followed by cessation of hostilities. A settlement on what is left of, and for, Ukraine, will be conducted between the two neighbors. The people of Ukraine, and much of the world, already hold NATO and the US - incoherent cheerleaders of war, and under-impressive suppliers of weapons - responsible for starting and extending an unwinnable war, delaying and derailing peace, and permanently ruining their landscape and economy.

2 articles 12/05/2024  3 min #248465

Offensive à Rafah : Israël juge «très décevante» la suspension des livraisons de bombes par Washington

Joe Biden menacé d'impeachment pour la suspension des livraisons d'armes à Israël

Source: AFP

Le représentant républicain de Floride Cory Mills (image d'illustration).

Cet article a été initialement publié sur RT International.

Un républicain de la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis a lancé une procédure d'impeachment à l'encontre de Joe Biden, président américain en exercice, pour avoir suspendu les livraisons d'armes à Israël, mettant un point d'honneur à utiliser précisément la même phraséologie que celle employée par les démocrates pour tenter de destituer l'ancien président américain Donald Trump en 2019.

12/05/2024  8 min 🇬🇧 #248436

The Jfk Assassination Chokeholds That Inescapably Prove There Was a Conspiracy

By Edward Curtin

May 11, 2024

A Review

During my many years of teaching at different universities, nearly all my colleagues insisted that Lee Harvey Oswald alone assassinated President Kennedy, even while the general public questioned such a conclusion. This disparity between gown and town always amused and informed me that something in the "higher education" world was low indeed.

12/05/2024  6 min 🇬🇧 #248433

My New Book « American Memory Hole »

By Donald Jeffries
"I Protest"

May 11, 2024

My book American Memory Hole: How the Court Historians Promote Disinformation, will be published on August 13. It's basically my third volume of Hidden History, but they didn't want to call it "Hidden History 3." It will also be my 10th published book overall. That doesn't seem possible, but it makes me feel very grateful and blessed.

The book is basically a combination of Hidden History and Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963.