06/08/2022 lewrockwell.com  4min 🇬🇧 #213338

 Selon le ministère de la Défense russe, le gouvernement américain pourrait être complice de l'émergence du Covid

Russian Mil Declares Ukraine Origin of C19! Dnc Globalists Created Covid!

By Clandestine
 Clandestine's Newsletter

August 6, 2022


New briefing from Chief of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defence Forces, General Igor Kirillov, on military biological activities of the United States in the territory of Ukraine.

The Russian MIL have been studying biological samples from surrendered Ukrainian soldiers, and what they have been finding is beyond disturbing. Approximately 20% of them carrying West Nile pathogens, which were being studied "by the Pentagon as part of the Ukrainian UP-4 and UP-8 projects". Suggesting that Ukrainian soldiers are being subject to involuntary biological experimentation and exposure to biological weapons (think Nuremberg).

In addition to carrying pathogens, nearly all of the surrendered Ukrainian soldiers carried traces of a wide variety of narcotics and opioids, including Meth and Codeine.

Russia were sure to remind us of the Nazi's usage of methamphetamines in WW2. I covered this 2 weeks ago, when the left-wing media tried to spin this reality as some sort of X-men mutant conspiracy theory. No, they are just Nazis, and historically, Nazis use drugs. Particularly as an advantage in war.

Russia goes on to cite that this methamphetamine Ukraine are using, Pervitin, was also used by US soldiers during Vietnam and Korea. It's designed to reduce the psycho-emotional burdens of war.

However, an intended side effect is excessive aggression, which Russia alleges is one of the main factors for the Nationalist Ukrainian forces displaying "extreme cruelty" to civilians and the shelling of their own people in Donbas. Ukraine are using mind-numbing agents on their forces to make them more susceptible to carrying out heinous acts.

Next, we find perhaps the most explosive slide to date, in which Russia FINALLY comes out and DIRECTLY accuses the US of being responsible for the creation and release of Covid-19. What I have been saying from the beginning, is that this allllll leads to C-19, which will be the nail in the coffin and the red-pill that wakes up the world.

The backlash the US are facing from Russia and the rest of Eastern world, is directly because the world found out THE UNITED STATES CREATED COVID. Specifically the "DNC/Liberal Globalists", as the Russians allege. Not Trump.

Russia clarifies they have record of over 16,000 biological samples, including blood and serum samples, transported from Ukraine to the US, Georgia, European countries.

The US claimed that all of these biological samples would be used "exclusively for peaceful purposes", but we can see that they were not.

Russia then pointed to US Congressman Jason Crow of the House Intelligence Committee, warned Americans about the dangers of giving their DNA to private companies (Think 23&Me) for testing because:

"...there is a possibility that test results will be sold to third parties... and the information obtained could be used to develop biological weapons targeting specific groups... or individuals."

Sounds exactly like what Russia have been alleging all along. That the US have been producing biological weapons to ethnically cleanse certain individuals of select genome sequences. Idk about you all, but ethnic cleansing with biological weapons doesn't sound very "Democratic", but maybe that's just me.

Russia says this activity gives reasonable cause to question US military biologists in the emergence and spread of the COVID-19 pathogen. Russia cites:

"In May 2022, Jeffrey Sachs - a leading expert in the respected medical journal The Lancet and professor at Columbia University, the leading academic institution for global biosecurity, told a conference in Spain that '..the coronavirus was artificially created and is very likely to have been created using American advances in biotechnology...'."

Take that in for a moment. Yup. Russia just accused the United States of creating and releasing Covid-19. But wait, there's more.

Russia confirms the unnatural behavior of C19 proves that this virus was not only man-made, but being constantly worked on and "artificially fueled" via the introduction of different variants to different regions.

Myself and many others have been leaning towards the idea that Wuhan was not the only "origin" of the C19 outbreak. It was released at multiple labs around the world, with different specially engineered variants, designed to target the people of the region with genome specific C19 virus.

 Read the Whole Article
