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16/12/2024  6min 🇬🇧 #263639

East vs. West: a Global Dollar Dump Is Inevitable and the Us Must Prepare

By Brandon Smith

December 16, 2024

This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group

In October of 2024, Russia hosted the annual BRICS Summit in the city of Kazan with the intent to show unity among developing nations and general eastern interests. The Kremlin, a target of severe NATO sanctions since the start of the war in Ukraine, has been effective in solidifying economic guarantees from BRICS partners and circumventing western economic controls.

15/12/2024  3min #263586

Moody's dégrade la note souveraine de la France

France-Soir avec AFP

L'agence Moody's n'aura guère laissé à François Bayrou le temps de s'installer à Matignon, dégradant dans les heures suivantes la note souveraine de la France, au vu de la "fragmentation politique" du pays, peu propice selon elle au rétablissement rapide des finances publiques. Est-ce un message de défiance face aux capacités du nouveau venu ?

À peine un mois et demi après sa précédente dégradation de la note française, Moody's abaisse sa note Aa2, qui était assortie d'une "perspective négative" signalant une dégradation probable à plus ou moins brève échéance, à Aa3, avec perspective stable.

13/12/2024  7min 🇬🇧 #263428

Collapse of the $5 Trillion Green Energy Scam

By Doug Casey

International Man

December 13, 2024

International Man: Governments worldwide have spent over $5 trillion in the past two decades to subsidize wind, solar, and other so-called renewables.

However, even with that astronomical financial support, the world still depends on hydrocarbons for 84% of its energy needs-down only 2% since governments started binge spending on renewables 20 years ago.

13/12/2024  9min 🇬🇧 #263421

The Big Shining Lie: We're Better Off Now--No, We're Poorer, Much Poorer

By Charles Hugh Smith

December 13, 2024

This is proof-positive we're not just poorer now than we were 40 years ago, we're much, much poorer.

Armies of well-paid apologists, apparatchiks and propaganda peddlers-economists, pundits, statisticians, influencers-spend their entire careers pushing a big shining lie; we're more prosperous now than ever before. This is demonstrably false, as the truth-that we're much poorer than we were 40 or 50 years ago-would disrupt the status quo in which the few at the top get to control the narratives and wealth as long as the masses believe the propaganda that we're all better off.