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05/02/2025  4min 🇬🇧 #268010

Trump Bites the Hand that Feeds Us

February 5, 2025

On his Sunday night broadcast, Peter dove into the fallout from President Trump's tariff policy, which surprised markets on Friday. Peter explores everything from foreign exchange moves to the tariffs' impacts on everyday American consumers, using analogies to illustrate how these policies could unravel the American economy.

🔴 Tariffs Harm Most the Nations That Impose Them - Ep 1007

Peter starts by outlining the global reverberations of these actions, focusing especially on financial markets:

04/02/2025  14min 🇬🇧 #267907

Trump-O-Nomics: The Ditzy Spawn of Free Money, Not Free Trade (Part 1)

By David Stockman

David Stockman's Contra Corner

February 4, 2025

He can gratuitously claim all the economic "golden ages" he pleases, but when it comes to economic policy the Donald is an unhinged ditz and then some.

In fact, he's also a statist wolf in sheep's clothing-pretending to be the savior of the people from the depredations of the Washington Swamp. Yet he now proposes to capriciously monkey-hammer the buying and selling of goods on the free market, and to the tune of hundreds of billions in higher consumer costs or lower exporter output, employment and profits in order to further dubious government policy goals.

01/02/2025  48min 🇬🇧 #267663

Nato: The Case To Get Out Now

By David Stockman

David Stockman's Contra Corner

February 1, 2025

The case for getting out of NATO now encompasses four fundamental propositions:

First, the Federal budget has become a self-fueling fiscal doomsday machine, even as the Fed has run out of capacity to monetize the skyrocketing public debt.
Second, the only viable starting point for fiscal salvation is slashing the nation's elephantine Warfare State by at least $500 billion per year.

31/01/2025  2min #267619

Le dollar monte face au flou sur les droits de douane, l'or franchit 2.800 dollars


Le dollar progresse prudemment vendredi avant les chiffres de l'inflation américaine et la probable mise en place de droits de douanes sur les importations mexicaines et canadiennes, tandis que l'or a touché un nouveau record.

A peine revenu à la Maison Blanche, Donald Trump avait annoncé vouloir imposer dès le 1er février 25% de droits de douane sur les produits canadiens et mexicains, malgré l'accord de libre-échange qui les lie à Washington.

31/01/2025  5min 🇬🇧 #267590

The Fed Is Ignoring Key Data

January 31, 2025

Shortly after yesterday's FOMC announcement, Peter went live to unpack its aftermath. He criticizes the Federal Reserve's decision to hold rates steady, offers insight into Jerome Powell's press conference remarks, and skewers the notion that the Fed remains "apolitical." Peter also addresses President Trump's evolving commentary on oil prices and interest rate cuts as 2025's economic challenges continue to mount.

31/01/2025  5min #267586

 Les risques de l'intelligence artificielle : La bombe chinoise Deepseek ébranle le projet de 500 milliards de dollars de Trump pour l'Ia

The Ai Fad Just Burned to the Waterline

By Charles Hugh Smith

January 31, 2025

Sometimes wide moats and billions of dollars to blow lead not to glory but to hubris, which beckons Nemesis.

While everyone was busy reassuring themselves the stock market was still A-OK, the driver of the market-the AI fad-just burned to the waterline. Yes, the current euphoric expectations for AI are a fad, the latest in the endless stream of "gotta have" status signifiers and cultural frenzies.

30/01/2025  3min #267561

L'économie américaine est menacée par un déficit public hors de contrôle La dette publique des États-Unis 2024

publié le 30/01/2025 Par Olivier Berruyer

Alors qu'il était déjà sur une pente haussière, le déficit de l'État américain a connu une hausse spectaculaire lors de la crise sanitaire mondiale, et il semble désormais hors de contrôle, du moins sans un sévère plan d'austérité qui aurait de graves conséquences économiques pour le pays et pour le monde. C'est hélas la triste histoire de tout acteur surendetté, qui pense avoir le contrôle de la situation, avant de se rendre compte, un jour, qu'elle lui a totalement échappé.