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26/04/2024 michael-hudson.com  13 min 🇬🇧 #247500

Gaza - Civilization will Win over Barbarism

People are Outraged by Israel's War on Gaza - Israel is Losing | Michael Hudson

Nima April 22, 24

Michael's notes from this important interview. Watch the geo-political markers.

1A. US student and voter opposition to the US-Israeli genocide.

The breaking news here in New York City today are the mass protests at Columbia University, New York University and the New School opposing the genocide in Gaza. The protests have spread to Yale, Harvard and other universities throughout the United States.

26/04/2024 lewrockwell.com  26 min 🇬🇧 #247499

The Donald's Disastrous Fourth Year— But Don't Blame the Covid

By David Stockman

April 26, 2024

This is an excerpt from David Stockmans book: Trump's War on Capitalism.

The Donald's fourth year in the Oval Office was a disaster. The US economy literally collapsed after February 2020, but there is no way that Donald Trump gets a free hall pass for the Washington-instigated economic mayhem that transpired.

Trump's original sin was his whole-hearted embrace from the bully pulpit on March 16 of the "two weeks to flatten the curve" scheme, which was actually never about two weeks.

26/04/2024 lewrockwell.com  6 min 🇬🇧 #247498

'Tin Soldiers and Nixon Coming...'

By Daniel McAdams

The Ron Paul Institute

April 26, 2024

Student action on university campuses against US involvement in Israel's slaughter of Gaza has exploded across the country. Suddenly there is the distinct feel in the air of the anti-Vietnam war protests once they finally caught on in 1968 and soon thereafter changed the course of US history.

Both protest movements were fully demonized by the same forces of the mainstream Left/Right regime and what libertarian writer Jacob Hornberger rightly Jacob Hornberger - the "National Security State." I would add the mainstream media from Fox to MSNBC.

26/04/2024 lewrockwell.com  3 min 🇬🇧 #247497

Cartel Blackmail: What Would You Do?

By Helena Glass
Helena-The Nationalist Voice

April 26, 2024

IF I don't like you, why must I like you?

If I am offended by you, why must I be unoffended?

If I don't want to associate with you - why must I associate with you?

The CDC is now telling us what we can eat, what we cannot, where we can go, where we should not, what vaxes we must take and shame if we don't.

Why must I share my country with people I don't want? And if I complain I am arrested?

26/04/2024 lewrockwell.com  6 min 🇬🇧 #247496

Why Ask What It Means To Be Human?

Restoring Truth

April 26, 2024

Lately, it seems that everyone is talking about "what it means to be human." Admittedly, "everyone" includes a bookish crowd of academics and theologians, plus a few "keynote speaker" types; nonetheless, it seems a rather strange question to ask if you've been fully human for, say, 30-50 years. I'm certain that a decade ago, I never heard this question asked, although the groundwork for this inquiry was certainly laid.

26/04/2024 lewrockwell.com  4 min 🇬🇧 #247495

What's Good About Aid to Ukraine and Israel?

By Jacob G. Hornberger

The Future of Freedom Foundation

April 26, 2024

Advocates of foreign aid to Ukraine and Israel are patting themselves on the back after the passage of a $95 billion bill that includes $61 billion to Ukraine and $26 billion to Israel. They're saying that such aid demonstrates how good, caring, and compassionate America is.

In the case of Israel, the aid supposedly demonstrates that America is not 100 percent antisemitic because the aid to Israel helps to cancel out the thousands of college protesters who are protesting the Israeli government's military killing machine in Gaza, which, it is said, automatically means that the protestors are antisemitic.

26/04/2024 lewrockwell.com  5 min 🇬🇧 #247494

How the Latest Development Can Make America Great Again

By Alex Rapoport

April 26, 2024

The "Marxist" philosophy is built on antagonism between the "poor" and the "rich". The rich take advantage of and exploit the poor, and the poor need to raise, take over the power and expropriate resources from the rich. "All Power to the People". We saw what it actually turns out to be. Remember "Dispossession" in Soviet Russia after 1917. The "Kulaks" were not "the rich" but simply a middle class.

26/04/2024 lewrockwell.com  6 min 🇬🇧 #247493

America: Goodbye My Country

By Paul Craig Roberts


April 26, 2024

25 Ways the US is Being Destroyed Explained in Under 2 Minutes


I would add several more. For example, the independence of doctors requires private practice. Private practice is being destroyed systematically by medical insurance, malpractice insurance, Medicare, Big Pharma, and the US Congress which panders to Big Pharma for campaign contributions.

26/04/2024 reseauinternational.net  2 min #247492

Survivre à la peur : Piero San Giorgio explique les origines de la peur et comment la surmonter

par Le Média en 4-4-2

Le Média en 4-4-2 a eu le plaisir de recevoir Piero San Giorgio, auteur de «Survivre à la peur», pour un entretien exclusif. Il nous parle des origines de la peur, de son lien avec le survivalisme et de comment surmonter cette émotion.

Dans le cadre d'une interview exclusive pour Le Média en 4-4-2, notre journaliste Kate a eu le privilège de recevoir Piero San Giorgio, grand spécialiste du survivalisme et des bases autonomes durables (BAD), pour son dernier livre «Survivre à la peur» aux éditions Culture et Racines.

26/04/2024 reseauinternational.net  4 min #247491

Gpa : Plonger les bébés dans les eaux glacées du calcul égoïste

par Régis de Castelnau

Tiens, ça polémique ferme autour de la GPA dirait-on. Alors comme ça, les nouveaux bourgeois, après s'être offert les belles maisons, les belles voitures, les belles montres, les beaux voyages, et tout ce qui rend la vie du nouveau bourgeois si confortable, maintenant ils ont une nouvelle envie. Ils veulent acheter des bébés.

C'est sympa les bébés, «kilos de lait, kilos de lange, et tellement d'amour en échange...».

26/04/2024 reseauinternational.net  5 min #247489

La Pologne et la Roumanie tentent-elles d'annexer un partie de l'Ukraine ?

par Germán Gorráiz López

Le conflit ukrainien aurait signifié un retour à la guerre froide entre la Russie et les États-Unis et un retour à la doctrine de l'endiguement, dont les fondements ont été posés par George F. Kennan dans son essai «The Sources of Soviet Behaviour» publié dans le magazine Foreign Affairs en 1947 et dont les idées principales sont résumées dans la citation suivante : «Le pouvoir soviétique est imperméable à la logique de la raison mais très sensible à la logique de la force».

26/04/2024 investigaction.net  8 min #247484

En finir avec les mensonges du « 7 octobre »

Olivier Mukuna

Le 15 avril à Bruxelles, le Mouvement du 30 mars et Viva Palestina organisaient une projection-débat autour du film « October 7 », en présence du réalisateur James Kleinfeld. Produite par Al Jazeera et visible sur Youtube, cette enquête repose sur l'analyse déontologique de 7 heures d'images des caméras des assaillants du Hamas, tués par l'armée israélienne le 7 octobre 2023, et sur des centaines de témoignages de survivants, israéliens et palestiniens.