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21/05/2024 reseauinternational.net  4 min #249007

Le Conseil de sécurité rejette la résolution russe visant à prévenir une course aux armements spatiale

L'inquiétude s'intensifie pour les forces spatiales Us

par Faouzi Oki

«Si nous n'avons pas l'espace nous perdrons» (Saltzman, chef des forces spatiales américaines)

Le Pentagone vient de débuter son programme pour étendre ses capacités de guerre dans l'espace, après s'être convaincu que les progrès de la Chine et de la Russie dans les opérations spatiales constituent une menace croissante pour les forces et les bases américaines au sol, ainsi que pour les satellites.

21/05/2024 reseauinternational.net  5 min #249001

Le Premier ministre slovaque touché par balles

Robert Fico : Le «canari dans la mine» - Le méta-récit européen nous mène au désastre

par Alastair Crooke

La Slovaquie est profondément polarisée : Il y a, d'un côté, une faction fortement pro-UE, qui a méprisé en particulier l'opposition du Premier ministre de longue date à la politique ukrainienne de l'Occident.

Le Premier ministre Robert Fico a été touché par quatre balles tirées de très près lors d'une tentative d'assassinat la semaine dernière. Après cinq heures d'intervention chirurgicale, le pronostic vital de Fico n'est plus engagé, mais son état est jugé sérieux.

21/05/2024 reseauinternational.net #248997

Les 3 types de serviteurs du Système formés par l'Éducation scolaire et universitaire

Le Pr. Omar Aktouf nous explique comment le système éducatif moderne fabrique des esclaves et des décérébrés afin de servir le système ultralibéral décadent et destructeur ! C'est un projet de société, rien n'est laissé au hasard.

Le Pr Omar Aktouf nous explique comment le système éducatif moderne fabrique des esclaves et des décérébrés afin de servir le système ultralibéral décadent et destructeur ! C'est un projet de société, rien n'est laissé au hasard.

21/05/2024 lewrockwell.com  3 min 🇬🇧 #248995

The Vietnamization of Ukraine

By Ron Paul, MD

The Ron Paul Institute

May 21, 2024

As Ukraine's defeat in the war moves closer, the neocons are desperate to draw the US further into the fight. Over the weekend, former US State Department official Victoria Nuland told ABC News that the US must help facilitate Ukrainian missile attacks deep inside Russian territory. The Biden Administration has to this point avoided involvement in such attacks, likely because Russian president Vladimir Putin has warned that Russia will strike any facility that supplies or facilitates strikes inside of Russia, wherever they may be.

21/05/2024 lewrockwell.com  30 min 🇬🇧 #248994

A Rothbardian Dissection of Javier Milei - Part I

By Oscar Grau

May 21, 2024


Do you hate the State? Javier Milei, the current president of Argentina, seems to. "The State is a killing machine." "The State is a criminal organization." "Taxation is theft." "Philosophically, I am an anarcho-capitalist." These are quotes from Milei, a man who ¿Quién es Javier Milei? Argentina a "true liberal option"-classical liberalism. He claims to be a "liberal-libertarian" and an admirer of Murray Rothbard (twitter.com, 2, 3).

21/05/2024 lewrockwell.com  29 min 🇬🇧 #248993

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead in San Bernardino

By Ron Unz

The Unz Review

May 21, 2024

Being a college town, Palo Alto once offered a multitude of excellent new and used bookstores, perhaps as many as a dozen or so. But the rise of Amazon produced a great extinction in that business sector, and I think only two now survive, probably still more than for most towns of comparable size.

Amazon and its rivals have obviously become hugely beneficial book-buying resources that I frequently use, but they fail to offer the benefit of randomly browsing shelves and occasionally stumbling across something serendipitous.

21/05/2024 lewrockwell.com  8 min 🇬🇧 #248992

Can We Secure Property Rights Without the State?

By George F. Smith

May 21, 2024

You think you're the legitimate owner of your residence until you come back from vacation and find squatters have taken over. Call the police and have them removed? You might have to call a private service like Squatterhunters.com instead.

Americans long ago lost property rights to their income, the purchasing power of their money, their savings, and their lives. Is there no way for people to protect what is legitimately theirs?

21/05/2024 lewrockwell.com  7 min 🇬🇧 #248990

Climate Stupidity

By James T. Moodey

May 21, 2024

The specific gravity of carbon dioxide is 1.52 relative to dry air, and is the same weight as propane. It is even heavier in relation to our humid atmosphere, ranging around 1.61. It falls through the atmosphere about like a cotton seed. Wind can blow it upward, but it falls right back down. It acts like rainwater, seeking low points. We do not need to build pipelines to inject it into the ground.

21/05/2024 lewrockwell.com  5 min 🇬🇧 #248989

Maybe We're Closer to 'You'll Own Nothing' Than We Realize

By Charles Hugh Smith


May 21, 2024

Maybe we should rephrase the slogan to "you'll appear to own things you don't actually control and be happy."

The World Economic Forum's catchphrase you'll own nothing and be happy was widely mocked as an eyebrow-raising vision of a "sharing economy" future without the implicit agency granted by full ownership. Renting stuff that one needed only for one-time use has long been a market, and car-sharing makes sense for urban dwellers who only need a vehicle on occasion.