58 articles17 jours30902024Tout
22/02/2025  3min #269595

Peine de mort aux États-Unis : un condamné opte pour le peloton d'exécution, une première en 15 ans

© Dave Martin Source: AP

La chambre d'injection létale de l'Alabama, au centre correctionnel Holman à Atmore, le 7 octobre 2002 (photo d'illustration).

Un détenu attendant dans le couloir de la mort en Caroline du Sud a opté pour le peloton d'exécution. Un choix motivé par la crainte des souffrances que pourraient lui infliger une injection létale.

22/02/2025  8min 🇬🇧 #269593

How to free the universities

By Kathleen STOCK

In more good news for British universities, "woke waste" is now gaining traction in the UK media, and firmly in the firing line are mad-sounding research projects at the taxpayers' expense. According to a joint investigation by The Sun and the Taxpayer's Alliance, millions of pounds are being robbed from the pockets of hard-working citizens so that academics can investigate "TikTok dancing, 'queer animals' & pro-trans robots".

22/02/2025  4min #269587

 Les États-Unis cherchent leur or et celui des autres

Musk et Trump demandent où sont les réserves d'or de Fort Knox

par Léo Kersauzie

Elon Musk, milliardaire devenu le chef du puissant Département de l'efficacité gouvernementale (DOGE), et le président Donald Trump ont évoqué cette semaine des craintes vieilles de plusieurs décennies sur l'état de la réserve d'or du gouvernement américain à Fort Knox, et Trump a promis d'aller jeter un coup d'œil à l'intérieur de l'installation étroitement surveillée.

2 articles 22/02/2025  5min #269586

Les États-Unis cherchent leur or et celui des autres

par Alexandre Lemoine

Dans le cadre d'un grand audit initié par Donald Trump, Elon Musk, directeur du département américain de l'Efficacité gouvernementale (DOGE), a proposé de faire l'inventaire des réserves d'or du légendaire Fort Knox dans le Kentucky.

Il est généralement admis que le coffre-fort de Fort Knox abrite l'or appartenant aux États-Unis ainsi qu'aux pays qui ont décidé (volontairement ou non) de l'y conserver.

22/02/2025  6min #269583

Obscurité mourante

La nature des escroqueries des ONG est d'avoir une cause qui semble philanthropique, comme « Sauver les orphelins de ville-triste », puis elles empochent l'argent et aucun orphelin n'est réellement aidé. - Elon Musk

Par James Howard Kunstler - Le 14 février 2025 - Source Clusterfuck Nation

L'exorcisme des États-Unis ne cesse de s'accélérer. On le voit au nombre de tours par minute que la tête d'Elizabeth Warren tourne pendant qu'elle vomit de la soupe aux petits pois devant les caméras.

22/02/2025  5min 🇬🇧 #269578

Trump Is Only Western Statesman Who Wants Peace

By John Leake
Courageous Discourse

February 22, 2025

Over the last quarter of a century, the West has become a really weird place in which virtue signaling has almost completely replaced actual virtue in the public forum, and the most brutal sentimentality has largely replaced genuine feeling. For years in the West, we have been strangely bereft of real men in public affairs-the sort of guys who emanate the natural authority that comes from competence and from habitually choosing to be governed by reason instead of emotion.

22/02/2025  6min 🇬🇧 #269573

Jobs Offshoring and Work Visas Are Means of Enriching Corporate Executives With « Performance Bonuses »

By Paul Craig Roberts

February 22, 2025

From The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution the West (Clarity Press, 2013)

"The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and immigration advocates, such as the American Immigration Lawyers Association, immediately went to work to defeat or to water down the amendment. Senator Grassley's attempt to prevent American corporations from replacing American workers with foreigners on H-1B work visas in the midst of the most serious economic crisis since the Great Depression was met with outrage from the U.S.

22/02/2025  8min 🇬🇧 #269571

Hold the Applause for Trump, the « Peacemaker »

By Edward Curtin

February 22, 2025

There is history worth remembering as Trump is lauded in certain circles on the so-called "right" and "left" as a peacemaker with Russia over the US/NATO proxy war against Russia via Ukraine: President Richard Nixon, who ran as the peace candidate in 1968 with a "secret plan" for peace in Vietnam that was actually a plan for more war, visited China in February 1972 in a move to exploit the Soviet-China split, and yet the US war against Vietnam went on until April 30, 1975 when the U.S.

22/02/2025  9min #269570

Maintenir les troupes américaines au Moyen-Orient pour toujours : le nouveau manifeste des néoconservateurs

La « Coalition Vandenberg » veut que Trump donne la priorité à Israël et maintienne l'Iran comme ennemi numéro un.

Source : Responsible Statecraft, Jim Lobe
Traduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises

Un néoconservateur de premier plan pendant la majeure partie du dernier demi-siècle a publié une série exhaustive de recommandations sur la politique au Moyen-Orient pour la nouvelle administration Trump, qui sont presque toutes des idées que le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahou et son parti Likoud seraient heureux d'adopter.

21/02/2025  3min #269552

Des Républicains proposent une loi pour retirer les États-Unis de l'Onu

Source: AP

Le Capitole vu à travers une fenêtre du Cannon House Office Building sur la colline du Capitole à Washington, le jeudi 13 février 2025.

Un projet de loi républicain vise à mettre fin à l'adhésion des États-Unis aux Nations unies et mettre un terme à leur participation financière. Le texte, porté par plusieurs sénateurs et députés, interdit également toute réintégration dans l'organisation sans l'approbation du Sénat.

21/02/2025  13min 🇬🇧 #269519

Trump should cut off Europe's defense welfare queens

However, the president shouldn't dictate to European allies how they should handle their own security.


The new administration isn't even a month old, but already hysteria has swept Europe. After visits by Vice President J.D. Vance and Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth, top European officials threw "a temper tantrum" in the words of one observer, which featured wailing, gnashing of teeth, and rending of garments on a Biblical scale.

21/02/2025  9min 🇬🇧 #269476

Trump's Foreign Policy is Based - But Can It Prevail?

By Karen Kwiatkowski

February 21, 2025

"Based" means "true to yourself" and implies a kind of mobilizing integrity, an integrity that leads to action. The pinions of Trump's foreign policy were developed over decades of New York real estate, construction, and business competition, as well as a bit of Hollywood, and a lifetime of sleeve-worn patriotism. The influence of a smart, entrepreneurial wife and ex-wife, who grew up under, and later escaped, European totalitarianism, socialism and communism cannot be under-estimated.

21/02/2025  4min 🇬🇧 #269475

Hate For Trump Has Now Expanded To Musk

By Rep. John J. Duncan Jr.
The Knoxville Focus

February 21, 2025

The hatred in the hearts and minds of many on the Left is just astounding. Having spent a lifetime closely following and being involved in the American political scene, I have never seen anything as extreme as the bitter hatred and anger directed toward Donald Trump.

Now, just as love expands so that a parent can love a second and third child as much as the first, apparently political hatred can expand, too.

21/02/2025  7min 🇬🇧 #269474

Class Warfare: The Exploitation of Taxpayers by Federal Workers

By Ryan McMaken

February 21, 2025

"Workers across the country responded with anger and confusion," the Associated Press reported last week, in response to the Trump administration's layoffs of probationary workers. CBS News tells us "federal workers express shock, anger over mass firings," and The New York Times writes that federal works face "sleeplessness, anger and tears."

Some workers launched lawsuits against the Trump administration.

21/02/2025  3min 🇬🇧 #269471

The Democrats Are Standing Against America

By Paul Craig Roberts

February 21, 2025

This is my interview by Larry Sparano of a few days ago prior to my learning, as I posted yesterday, that the temporary injunctions that judges are issuing against Trump and Musk's activities in rooting out corruption from the federal budget are only good for a few days and are not effective except in the sense of giving the corrupt elements in the federal departments and agencies a few days to hide, erase, destroy, and "lose" evidence before Musk can get his hands on it.

21/02/2025  5min 🇬🇧 #269470

The Real Enemy of the American people Is Not Russia, but the Eu Regime in Brussels

By Vasko Kohlmayer

February 21, 2025

In his seminal speech at the recently concluded Munich Security Conference, US Vice President JD Vance said the following:

"[T]he threat that I worry the most about vis-a-vis Europe is not Russia, it's not China, it's not any other external actor. What I worry about is the threat from within. The retreat of Europe from some of its most fundamental values: values shared with the United States of America."

21/02/2025  8min 🇬🇧 #269469

How to Identify When the Us. Empire Is Lying

By Eric Zuesse
Eric's Substack

February 21, 2025

A good and typical example of how the U.S. empire does it is this 'news'-report on February 19th from Politico damning the end of the 1945-2025 Cold War by the U.S. Government to conquer Russia, and trying to extend the latest phase of that War (the Ukraine-war phase), which the U.S. Government started in 2014. Politico headlined about it as-if the aggression was by Russia against America, instead of being aggression by the U.S.

21/02/2025  11min 🇬🇧 #269468

Fear Itself: The Sky Is Always Falling

By Donald Jeffries
"I Protest"

February 21, 2025

I never thought I'd witness what I'm seeing right now. The government appears to be literally being audited, before the eyes of the public. We are learning astounding things about the way our tax dollars are being wasted, and used to line the pockets of the usual suspects, in what amounts to a giant money laundering scheme.

Many of my friends in the alternative media are not merely skeptical of what is happening, but downright hostile to it.

21/02/2025  9min 🇬🇧 #269467

How Much Longer Can America Co-Exist With the Enemies Upon Its Shores?

By Brian D. O'Leary
The O'Leary Review

February 21, 2025

DUBLIN, February 1, 2025 - "While Irish restaurants are closing down on a daily basis, a new Somalian restaurant has opened in Dublin. It is an extremely uncomfortable feeling to witness your people, culture and history disappear before your eyes." -Mick O'Keeffe (@Mick_O_Keeffe on -Twitter)

Reflect. Has Ireland become a safer place after importing vast numbers of Mohammedans from such far-flung outposts as Pakistan and continental Africa?

21/02/2025  5min 🇬🇧 #269466

The Healthcare Hoax

Michael McKay

"Modern medicine...It isn't organised to serve human health, but only itself, as an institution. It makes more people sick than it heals."―Ivan Illich

Doctors were making mistakes for thousands of years and sometimes the treatments were worse than the disease. However, in the late 19th century, things got exponentially worse with the onset of the modern medical system as we know it.