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26/03/2025  6min #272889

 Les États-Unis vont déclassifier 80 000 pages de dossiers sur l'assassinat de John F. Kennedy

Le mystère de l'assassinat de Jfk : Candace Owens explore les liens avec Israël et les sionistes

par Le Média en 4-4-2

Candace Owens dévoile des éléments troublants reliant Israël, l'AIPAC et les services secrets à la mort de Kennedy. Une lutte de pouvoir qui pourrait tout changer...

«C'est un petit groupe de personnes qui ont accumulé, je pense, beaucoup de pouvoir grâce au chantage et il ne fait aucun doute que nos membres du Congrès sont victimes de chantage».~ Candace Owens

26/03/2025  3min #272888

 Les États-Unis vont déclassifier 80 000 pages de dossiers sur l'assassinat de John F. Kennedy

Le dossier déclassifié Jfk confirme les origines militaires de la maladie de Lyme

par Léo Kersauzie

Des éléments des dossiers JFK récemment déclassifiés ont confirmé l'existence d'un programme d'armes biologiques du Pentagone existant depuis des décennies. La principale révélation est que le Pentagone a créé la maladie de Lyme dans les années 1960 dans le cadre d'un programme d'armes biologiques visant à saboter l'agriculture cubaine.

Selon les documents déclassifiés, le Pentagone a financé des recherches aux Rocky Mountain Laboratories dans le Montana pour créer des virus transmis par les tiques, y compris la maladie de Lyme, dans le cadre de l'opération Mangouste, un programme secret visant à déstabiliser Cuba.

26/03/2025  2min #272887

La dystopie biomédicale et sanitaire est bien en marche au sein de l'administration Trump

par Conscience du Peuple

Le président Trump a nommé le Dr Susan Monarez au poste de directrice du CDC.

Monarez était une ardente défenseuse du port du masque pour les enfants dans les écoles et a continué à promouvoir le vaccin contre la COVID-19 jusqu'en octobre 2024.

Elle prendra le poste du Dr Dave Weldon, dont la nomination a été rejetée par la commission sénatoriale pour ses positions anti-vaxx.

26/03/2025  5min 🇬🇧 #272873

Judicial Tyranny: Tip of the Deep State Sword

By Thomas DiLorenzo

March 26, 2025

Hundreds of Democrat party political hacks who happen to have attended law school for a couple of years have been rewarded for their hackism with appointments as federal district court judges. Armed with lifetime tenure and dressed in spooky looking black robes, they behave like an army of some 700 dictators responsible and answerable to no one as they plot their coup to take over the other two branches of government with their dictatorial decrees known as "nationwide injunctions." In every instance in the past several months these "injunctions" have been aimed at stopping any attempts to reduce the size and power of the deep state, never to protect the constitutional liberties of the American people.

26/03/2025  16min 🇬🇧 #272869

President Trump's New York

By Dr. Naomi Wolf

March 26, 2025

In January of 2025, President Trump took office. The week of January 13-20, Brooklyn was still in chaos. So was Manhattan. It was a chaos I have sought to describe in past essays, but things had reached a crescendo.

All of the world, it seemed, had descended upon the Five Boroughs.

From the floodgates that opened in 2022, and right up until Inauguration Day, Brooklyn and Manhattan had been under siege.

26/03/2025  2min 🇬🇧 #272868

 Les États-Unis vont déclassifier 80 000 pages de dossiers sur l'assassinat de John F. Kennedy

The Jfk Released Cia Assassination Files

By Paul Craig Roberts

March 26, 2025

This interview began with the information available about President Kennedy's assassination. I made the point that there is more conclusive evidence that JFK's assassination was the result of a Joint Chiefs-CIA-Secret Service plot in James W. Douglass' book, JFK and the Unspeakable, than there is in the released CIA files. The CIA is not going to keep a dossier of its own crimes.

26/03/2025  13min 🇬🇧 #272866

Do You Think You'll Ever Know, Now That You Have Handed Your Mind to the Machine?

By Edward Curtin

March 26, 2025

We live in a 24/7 media society of the spectacle where brainwashing is cunning and relentless, and the consuming public is consumed with thoughts and perceptions filtered through electronic media according to the needs and lies of corporate state power.

This propaganda comes in two forms: covert and overt. The latter, and most effective form, comes with a large dose of truth offered rapid-fire by celebrated, authoritative voices via prominent media.

26/03/2025  6min 🇬🇧 #272865

How Corrupt Is America Now?

By Eric Zuesse
Eric's Substack

March 26, 2025

Today, I spent hours on the phone and on the website of Microsoft and its subsidiary Skype trying to close my $2.99 monthly subscription to Skype which is automatically charged to my credit card account, but there is no human (only an automated) chatbox at their website, and no human available on any of the three listed phone numbers for Microsoft Customer Service (1-855-270-0615, 1-800-865-9408, 1-800-642-7676), all of which are fully automated and ultimately hang up on the caller ("Goodbye.") if the caller has said to their robot something like: I've tried each one of your recommended pathways for help, but all are fully automated and none succeeded, none addressed my problem - none enable me to cancel my subscription - and so I need now to speak to a person, a real human, to deal with my need to stop being on auto-pay to Microsoft - simply to cancel my "subscription." I then (being left with no alternative) phoned my credit card's customer service, and they said that the only way that they would be able to block Microsoft from charging my account would be after they have already billed me the $2.99, at which point I could "dispute" the charge and MAYBE block further such charges from Microsoft/Skype.

25/03/2025 #272842

La Cia juge la Russie comme un concurrent stratégique majeur en raison de sa stabilité

Source: AP

L'emblème de la CIA à son siège à Langley en Virginie.

Dans son rapport annuel remis au Congrès, la CIA désigne la Russie comme un rival stratégique des États-Unis, saluant sa résilience militaire et économique. L'agence met en garde contre les risques d'escalade nucléaire et souligne le récent renforcement des liens entre Mos

25/03/2025  3min #272787

Trump révoque les habilitations de sécurité de Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton et Joe Biden

par Pierre-Alain Depauw

Trump a également révoqué l'accès aux informations classifiées de deux anciens membres républicains de la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis, Liz Cheney et Adam Kinzinger.

Dans une note publiée tard vendredi soir, le président des États-Unis Donald Trump a ordonné aux agences fédérales de retirer les habilitations de sécurité de l'ancienne vice-présidente Kamala Harris, de l'ancienne secrétaire d'État Hillary Clinton, de l'ancien président Joe Biden et d'autres anciens démocrates de haut rang et de leurs alliés républicains qui se sont battus vigoureusement pour empêcher Trump d'être réélu en 2024.

25/03/2025 #272786

Sigaut/plaquevent : «C'est une bénédiction que Trump ait supprimé le ministère de l'Éducation !»

par Tocsin

Fin de la subvention au Forum de Davos, suppression du ministère de l'Éducation fédéral : la chasse de Trump aux mondialistes continue.

Avec Pierre-Antoine Plaquevent

Analyste, Auteur sur le site Strategika (think tank et projet éditorial d'analyses et expertises stratégiques)

Auteur de «Soros et la société ouverte» (Ed. Culture et Racines) et «Société ou

25/03/2025  2min #272774

La Chine révèle avoir mis au point un robot capable de sectionner les câbles sous-marins

par Chine Magazine

Le journal hongkongais, South China Morning Post, a révélé que des ingénieurs du Centre chinois de recherche naval (CSSRC) sont parvenus à concevoir un robot capable de mettre hors services les câbles sous-marins, principaux transmetteurs des données échangées d'un continent à l'autre.

Le robot ressemble à une scie circulaire fixée à un bras articulé, conçu en alliage de titane.

25/03/2025  6min #272767

Le réveil brutal du printemps

L'idée que l'Europe soit capable de représenter une menace militaire pour la Russie ne peut même pas être qualifiée de propagande de pacotille pour des personnes au QI inférieur à zéro. − Pepe Escobar

Par James Howard Kunstler - Le 14 mars 2025 - Source Clusterfuck Nation

Dans mon coin tranquille de la vallée de l'Hudson, l'arrivée précoce du printemps bouleverse violemment toute la création. Le sommeil paisible de l'hiver se termine par des contractions et des spasmes.

25/03/2025  3min 🇬🇧 #272748

Shut Down the Department of Education!

By Ron Paul, MD

The Ron Paul Institute

March 25, 2025

President Trump's executive order from last week titled "Improving Education Outcomes by Empowering Parents, States, and Communities" could help bring about a major step toward restoring constitutional government and improving education.

The executive order directs that the secretary of education, "to the maximum extent appropriate and permitted by law, take all necessary steps to facilitate the closure of the Department of Education and return authority over education to the States and local communities." This action is directed to be taken, though, "while ensuring the effective and uninterrupted delivery of services, programs, and benefits on which Americans rely."

25/03/2025  8min 🇬🇧 #272747

The Many Disguises of Socialism

By Wanjiru Njoya

March 25, 2025

In his book, Socialism, Ludwig von Mises warns about the threat posed by socialism to peaceful co-existence and to Western civilization. He highlights the "disastrous wars and revolutions, heinous mass murders and frightful catastrophes" that have been caused by socialist policies, a warning that was also sounded by Friedrich von Hayek in The Road to Serfdom.

25/03/2025  6min 🇬🇧 #272745

The Last Resort

By James Howard Kunstler

March 25, 2025

Surely you know the old joke: "What do you call a thousand lawyers at the bottom of the sea?" (Answer: "a good start!"). There's a reason why lawyers are so broadly despised. Law is humanity's instrument for creating order out of the terror and chaos of nature, where anything goes. The result of law theoretically, is a civil society, where only the good, true, and right things can go.

25/03/2025  6min 🇬🇧 #272744

Is Negotiation the Best Way to End the Proxy War With Russia?

By Paul Craig Roberts

March 25, 2025

Negotiations have many downsides, such as disputes over compliance, personality conflicts, arousal of anger and contempt, involvement of the egos of the negotiators, and negotiations have not served Russia well. Already Ukraine has violated the partial ceasefire agreement Putin made with Trump:

"A gas pipeline supplying the European Union is on fire in Russia due to an Ukraine Drone strike.

25/03/2025  13min 🇬🇧 #272743

It's a Big Club, and We're Not Invited

By Donald Jeffries
"I Protest"

March 25, 2025

Well, the bloom is off the Trumpenstein rose. It was a giddy start to his second term, where it seemed like perhaps he was finally going to fulfill some of his many promises. With people like RFK, Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard, and Kash Patel in his cabinet, and the initial DOGE disclosures, it was hard not to feel at least some bit of optimism.

But the warm and fuzzy rush of hope has subsided.

25/03/2025  7min 🇬🇧 #272741

The Trump Administration Goes To War Against Bureaucratic Tyranny

By J.B. Shurk
American Thinker

March 25, 2025

"This town is now as nervous as it's ever been." That's Congressman Chip Roy's assessment of the mood in Washington, D.C., since President Trump's return to the White House. It's one of several dozen refreshingly blunt descriptions of American politics in Ned Ryun's new documentary based on his book, American Leviathan. The documentary is available to anyone with an Internet connection, and it is nothing short of a declaration of war on the administrative state.