Over the last 48 hours, China and Russia have taken big steps toward separating themselves from the monetary policy and economies of the west - and nobody has even noticed.
Those who have been reading my blog for the last couple of weeks know that I have been predicting that China and Russia would grow far closer economically, creating, in essence, a second global monetary system where the US dollar is no longer the reserve currency.
A few weeks ago, I wrote an article proclaiming that Russia would back the ruble with gold as a way to fight back against western economic sanctions. I also made similar predictions about the new digital Chinese currency last summer when I first started Fringe Finance.
This shift is happening as a result of the United States and the rest of the western economies foolishly thinking that they're going to be able to effectively sanction Russia economically, despite the fact that Russia is a massive producer of oil and the country seems prepared to back its currency, the ruble, with this productive capacity.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we continue to run enormous deficits and have very little productive capacity, and even less to back our currency with. Our destiny seems to be to continue printing money regardless of the negative consequences. We're nothing more than printing press junkies that won't cease our inflationary addiction until we inevitably hit rock bottom.

If you haven't read them yet, a couple articles that explain my position on Russia and China creating their own monetary system include: