14/12/2022 2 articles lewrockwell.com 🇬🇧 #220661

 Cryptomonnaies : débâcle de la plateforme Ftx qui valait 32 milliards de dollars en début d'année

Ftx founder Sam Bankman-Fried (crypto fraud) arrested in the Bahamas after Us. files criminal charges; nice, very nice indeed, this is Pressure!

December 14, 2022

This guy needs heavy Kevlar and to be in isolation for they will get Killary's type of people to cell near him and he won't see a trial etc. This guy is in trouble. He can do more damage than Maxwell's black book and flight logs and that black book that is covered up is devastating. Maybe even more that Hunter sister's diary. Can bring down Kings, Presidents, CEOs, all types. So lets see if this is just a show. I mean, the amount of money he gave democrats and republicans, these crooks, they will ensure he walks and keeps the fraud money. He is a fav of Mad Max Maxine. It is that crazy and right in front of your face it will happen. He will walk. Only the nickel bag dealer gets jail and worse under legal remedies in US. The rich and connected just laugh.
