15/01/2024 lewrockwell.com  9min 🇬🇧 #240842

 « Trop c'est trop » : le mouvement des agriculteurs allemands s'intensifie

Canada first. Then the Spanish. Then the French. The Irish. Now the Germans. And Friday, the Poles.

By Elizabeth Nickson
 Welcome to Absurdistan

January 15, 2024

"So we're dealing with cornered feral humans who are terrified. Arguably the entire thing from the lockdowns till now is their knowing what's coming (They see polls you don't see. 39% approval my sore ass. More likely 9%) And they know how much they cheated, and it wasn't enough so they had to cheat at the last minute. Oh, and all of them are criminals, steeped deep in horrible crap. And they can't afford for it to come out. In their little pin heads, they have to keep control." -Sarah A Hoyt

For the past three weeks German farmers have been on the road protesting, God bless them. On Wednesday German truckers joined the protest, and town squares are filled with citizens standing against globalization and the Net Zero prison being lowered like a cage over every citizen and enterprise. The French farmers had modelled this, dumping manure on government buildings all through December. The Spanish flooded the streets throughout November and December demanding the outlawing of socialism. And the Poles hit the streets on Friday demanding an end to globalism and out of the E.U..

All this has to do with climate regulation, net zero, and emissions restrictions on agriculture. Everything the WEFers, and their corporatists lackeys want. And why wouldn't they? Big Ag is totally on board, the people who will pay are the people growing the food. Why? Because they give our tax money to the richest corporations on earth, and starve the people who grow the actual food.

In  September of 2022 the United States Department of Agriculture, without congressional approval or oversight, announced they were spending $3.1 Billion dollars to implement  Partnerships for Climate Smart Commodities Projects. This money has since been handed over to some the country's largest agriculture corporations, associations, and universities. Some of the notable payments are: $90 million to ADM, $95 million to Iowa Soybean Association, $60 million to the Nature Conservancy, 27 different universities with payments ranging from $4 million to $80 million. These are 123 total listed as, "lead partners" but if you read the description of the programs you will find, "other major partners" which include every major company in the food business, from Cargill to Costco. The most disgusting payment of all was $40 million dollars to the largest ag media corporation Farm Journal. Why would the government pay a media company $40 million to implement an environmental program? Control the messenger, control the message, aka state run media.

The message that the USDA does not want told is that the intended goal for the Climate Smart Project is to manipulate farmers and ranchers into calculating their greenhouse gas emissions, or what they call, "implementation and monitoring of climate smart practices" so that those emissions can then be regulated.

To say all this is unpopular... well, even the Germans are pissed. The Dutch booted their government and turned extreme right. The Irish are barring the entrance to their towns: no more EU immigrants. The Argentinians elected an actual libertarian who immediately slashed the bureaucracy and opened up his oil fields.

Just when the ghastly WEFers are gathering to Rebuild Trust.

As if. That ship has sailed buddy.

No one sane trusts you. The only people who do are the dumb, the purchased, the brainwashed and the submissives. The young don't trust you, the old are filled with dislike, and if you try to strong-arm us, we will rebel and mock and support anyone who opposes you. Bring out the army, and you are done. In Canada, even the young hate Trudeau, "can't look at his face". "Can't bear the sound of his voice". His polling in the tank, his only voters the vast useless destructive bureaucracy he created. How did that happen?

This is what happened: he called in an army. It took him two weeks to marshal from across the country, police conscienceless enough to suppress their fellows. The result? Universal loathing. Disgust. Two-thirds of Canadians now self-identify as extreme-right-wing.

Herewith the divide between us, illustrated stark and real. We are the future. They are the excrement beneath our feet.

February 2022

The black clad army of mercenaries and police brutalizing a peaceful protest in Ottawa this weekend has been planned for years. It is overkill for a reason. It is theatre. It is an othering, a willful flagrant statement on the future of the working class everywhere. It instructs them: you will die. If not now, then sometime in the next ten years. Your towns will be gutted, your jobs will evaporate, you will scramble for pennies until you fall over dead and your children will have nothing to look forward to. You are Tutsi, you are Jew, you are Kulak, you are compromador, you are Othered. You are headed for the slagheap of history. Fight back and you will be deemed domestic terrorists and encamped indefinitely.

This week, Canada's intelligentsia unmasked themselves as fully on side of this demonic enterprise, competing to hate on the truckers. I watch or read very little of it because 95% of newsrooms vote either  Liberal or Socialist and I spent two years in my early 20's dating and arguing with a black Marxist professor, so I know exactly what they think.

And what they "think" is hate:

"So why was I, at the trucker convoy in Toronto, gripped by a deep physical loathing, true abjection?"

This is what my highly credentialed black Marxist professor thought: rich people stole all the money and his people are going to steal it back right in front of their noses. Covid was lucrative to the tune of $550 Billion, but it's winding down. Next up: Climate Change.

Climate change means vitiating the working class.

The scene was not surprising to me: The same sort of people I'd seen at Donald Trump rallies and prepper conventions were there, with their hollowed-out faces intimate with pain, and their perpetually misspelled signs, and their sense of belonging to a community of the excluded. I confess that they disgusted me.

I grew up in a CEO village, where many of the people who ran Canada at the time had country houses. It was a Canadian CEO village so it was humble, but it was nice, like a picture-perfect country village with some pretty not-showoffy country houses that rambled and had lawns and were hidden among the trees. Our family had senior academics and bureaucrats among its members, who would come to stay and over a weekend you could feel the geyser building up which would inevitably explode in this question: "Where does all the money come from?"

'It comes from selling people things they actually want and need.' I could hear my textile industrialist father thinking.

Utility is not what the Canadian government does. The Canadian government operates on emotion, on emotion they pay the media and the arts to create: fury and terror over Climate Change. Fury and terror over Covid. Fury and terror over Donald Trump. Fury and terror over the Right and Christians. Fury and "compassion" for the other-sexed. Fury and sentiment over racism and indigenous rights.

Two-thirds of indigenous reserves don't have clean drinking water, and the government gives the reserves $12 billion a year, but somehow the water problem is never solved. That's because it can be demagogued during election season, exactly the way black people are used in the US. The money disappears into a bureaucratic black hole, stolen from the indigenous and the public.

"On my way home, I saw stragglers from the convoy lining up outside the Japanese-cheesecake bakery and the pot shops that have come to dominate Toronto's urban landscape. I wanted them gone."

As a result of this flagrant generational theft, our private sector has shrunk and our public sector mushroomed. For instance, a cousin of one of my best friends was a Sherpa to a Prime Minister, and when he retired, he got the normal huge indexed pension with Soviet style percs, special doctors, special accesses, etc etc etc. But he also got a $54 million dollar grant A YEAR to run a think tank out of a university so he and his wife can swan around the world meeting important people and going out to dinner. Once a year, like clockwork, he produces an op-ed.

Let's compute. $54 million a year times ten years is $550 million. Times 20? $1.1 Billion. Our economy is 10% the size of the USA, so it far out-classes the looting of the public purse by the Clintons, the Bidens, the Bushes. James A Johnson, the Fannie Mae chieftain who triggered the housing crisis only  walked away with $100 million.

We may be nice, we also know how to steal.

On a smaller scale, our entire "cultural product" is government funded. For instance, the director of a Hallmark Movie - written and starred in by Americans and set in the US (though filmed in Canada), dealing with specific US cultural issues, and meant to air in the US - has his $6,000 a week salary subsidized by $4,000, courtesy of the Canadian public.

This is flat-out theft, larceny that international criminal cartels only dream of.

What you are seeing from our intelligentsia is not righteous anger. It's howls of terror that their gravy train may end. Along with snobbery and that eternal human preoccupation, social climbing.

"Nobody sensible can feel threatened by anything that comes out of Saskatchewan."

The brutality in Ottawa is not a warning. It is a promise, a statement of the future. The working class will end their lives in moldering houses they can't afford to fix, with minimal health care. They won't even be able to RV to our National Parks.

Think I'm wrong? A gallon of gas where I live is $8.00. Remember how big Canada is.

Think I'm wrong? Friday the 18th, the Federal Fisheries Minister announced the death of the East Coast Fishery, a traditional occupation that has been the base of the Maritimes' economy for 300 years. She declared that she "was going to leave as many fish in the water as possible, and to grow as much vegetation in the water as possible so that the Atlantic Ocean could absorb as much carbon as possible".

In human history, every time a nation falls under control of a narrow elite that monopolizes economic opportunities and political power, that nation fails.

And when nations fail, a lot of people die.

The dominant groups at the protest were the rural working class and immigrants who escaped from socialist hellholes to what they thought was a free country.

Time the rest of Canada stood the fuck up.

Welcome to Absurdistan is reader-supported. Much of this piece was published when I had only a few subscribers so few of you have read it, though it was much aggregated and had a lot of views. It is still timely and information-rich. This next year will be filled with more and more and more of this. Best to understand that despite the power and money behind the Climate Regime and its corporate bullies, the rest of the world is not on board, and everything strong-armed action they take only hastens their end.

If you have been here a while consider a cheap annual subscription. I am digging into voter fraud for the next month and I promise by the end of it you will understand the state of play and the players.

