05/06/2024 lewrockwell.com  5min 🇬🇧 #249875

The Psychology of Devolution

By  Eric Peters

 Eric Peters Autos

June 5, 2024

We are living in what might be styled the Era of Disbelief.

At first read, that may sound good, skepticism of serial liars being a good thing. The danger lies in disbelieving everything - and believing in hopeful absurdities. For instance, that Trump is at the center of an intricate operation that has been in process since before the 2020 selection - and even before the "pandemic" that was the predicate for the 2020 selection.

According to the Devolutionists, Trump foresaw what was coming in 2020 and so issued "laws and orders" to combat election interference. These "laws and orders" became the legal foundation for Trump's continued presidency, after the 2020 selection. Everything since then has been part of the operation, including the recent arrest and conviction of Trump.

"Three years ago,I provided the DROPS indicating that Trump would be arrested and revealed the military WIRES showing Italy, Russia and the EU sharing the same information. This pointed to Trump's imminent arrest and the military's plan to save him. It was all a set-up, with the military charter aware of these events as part of a placed plan."

According to the Devolutionists, Trump foresaw what was coming in 2020 and so issued "laws and orders" to combat election interference. These "laws and orders" became the legal foundation for Trump's continued presidency, after the 2020 selection. Everything since then has been part of the operation, including the recent arrest and conviction of Trump.

"Three years ago,I provided the DROPS indicating that Trump would be arrested and revealed the military WIRES showing Italy, Russia and the EU sharing the same information. This pointed to Trump's imminent arrest and the military's plan to save him. It was all a set-up, with the military charter aware of these events as part of a placed plan."

Living Colour - Cult Of Personality (Official Video)

There are lots of people who actually believe this stuff - probably because they need to believe it. Because the reality of it cannot be borne. The fact that Trump chumped during the final year of his presidency, wearing a "mask" and doing nothing to prevent the various state-level gesundheitsfuhrers from imposing "mask" mandates on the people of those states. The fact that he signed off on the "state of emergency" that he never rescinded - which perpetuated the "emergency" for years and excused the pharmaceutical cartels from the usual annoyance of having to establish that the drugs they push are "safe and effective."

There are, of course, endless excuses, rationalizations and Kafkaesque justifications for everything Trump did - and didn't - do. All part of the operation. It had to be done. Or it could not be done.

No matter what he did - or didn't do.

The apologetics are religious. The facts as you see them are not what they actually are. Or aren't. Everything is subject to a kind of Talmudic parsing. And it has a frightening persuasive power - not so much because there are people who believe it but because there is a degree of plausibility that makes it possible for anyone to entertain the belief that it just might be so.

For example:

The "Blueprint" - as Devolutionists  style it - encompasses the fact that on "September 12, 2018," Trump "signed Executive Order 13848 declaring a National Emergency for Election Interference."

And it is true that such an EO was signed.

"I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States."

This is the foundation stone of Devolution. Of the operation that elaborated after Biden was allowed to steal the 2020 election. A Devolutionist asks:

"How did President Trump know to sign and declare a National Emergency in an Executive Order TWO MONTHS before any Election under his visual Presidency?"

Italics added.

Yes. His "visual" presidency. Meanwhile, his actual presidency has actually continued since then, you see (and never mind that the other day, the day after his conviction on 34 felony counts, Trump admitted he's a former president).

The Devolutionist continues:

"Why would 'Biden' extend that EO 3 years in a row, one past the automatic termination clause of an EO with a NE found on Title 50 (War and National Defense) Chapter 34 Section §1601, for ELECTION INTERFERENCE?"

Note that "Biden" is bracketed (in the original) in air fingers quotes, to imply he's not the actual president.

It gets worse - if you can believe it:

"January 2021 President Trump went to ALAMO, Texas, named after the famous Alamo, where LTC William B. Travis wrote the famous letter, Victory or Death, in which he said: I shall NEVER SURRENDER. Why does the tweet on Aug. 24, 2023, spell: END?"

Why, because it will all "end" this November - when the world (or at least, our part of it) is turned right-side-up again after four years, almost, of the world turned upside down. The operation will reach its apotheosis - with Trump returning in glorious ascendance, smiting the enemies of the republic.

"It had to happen this way," the Devolutionists say. Everything you think you see is unreal. "Except (sic) a JudicialBranch cleanout and the finale to Executive Order 13848 when ALL the evidence is shown for Election Interference at ALL Levels of government All around the world."

Does it not come across like Christ is coming! And maybe he is. No man knows the day or hour. There is just enough there to hope - and believe. Because just maybe.

Any day now.


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