05/09/2024 mintpressnews.com  5min 🇬🇧 #256128

 Cisjordanie : Israël revendique son annexion

Operation Summer Camps: Israel's Largest West Bank Assault in Two Decades Sparks Fears of Annexation

News Brief

 Operation Summer Camps: Israel's Largest West Bank Assault in Two Decades Sparks Fears of Annexation  

 Robert Inlakesh  

Israel initially announced its largest military campaign in the West Bank since 2002, stating it would last only a few days and focus on the northern part of the occupied territory. However, "Operation Summer Camps" has since expanded into a much broader offensive, raising concerns that it may be paving the way for the de jure annexation of the West Bank.

On August 28, the Israeli army  announced the launch of a large-scale military campaign aimed at dismantling Palestinian resistance groups operating in the northern West Bank. The operation began with the mobilization of tens of thousands of soldiers, accompanied by drones, attack helicopters, and military vehicles pouring into the cities of Jenin, Tulkarem, and Tubas.

The military operation, dubbed "Operation Summer Camps," has been described as the largest Israeli military action in the West Bank since "Operation Protective Shield" in 2002, which  resulted in the deaths of approximately 500 Palestinians.

From the outset, various media outlets reported the Israeli government's narrative, which framed the operation as an effort to defeat "Iran-backed" armed groups and Hamas.

On the second day of the operation, The Associated Press published an  article stating that 10 Hamas fighters had been killed. However, the Israeli military did not specify that all those killed were members of Hamas.

So far, the Israeli military has primarily targeted the al-Fara'a refugee camp in Tubas, Nour al-Shams refugee camp in Tulkarem, and the Jenin refugee camp. Surrounding areas have also been attacked.

Their tactics include using armored bulldozers to destroy roads, bombing entire buildings, and knocking out electrical and water facilities. Thousands have been forced to flee their homes on foot, while others have been sealed inside, unable to leave for fear of being shot.

Dozens of civilians have been killed or injured. Among them was an elderly man who was shot dead in front of his home and another man abducted from his house in Kafr Dan, west of Jenin. The latter was taken to the Salem checkpoint, where he was  tortured to death.

Despite the military operation primarily taking place in the north of the occupied West Bank, it has already expanded to other areas, such as the Jordan Valley and the Balata refugee camp in Nablus, where a more limited assault is underway. Israel has now openly stated that Operation Summer Camps will last longer than initially expected and will include assaults on additional areas.

On August 31, a double operation targeted Israeli security and military officers in illegal Israeli settlements located between Bethlehem and al-Khalil, killing one and injuring four others. This was followed by a curfew imposed on al-Khalil. Shortly after, a former member of the Palestinian Authority's Presidential Guard  shot and killed three Israeli occupation police officers near the city.

As tensions escalate across the West Bank, so does the military operation, which increasingly seems to be another step toward a de jure annexation of the occupied territory. In June, the Israeli army  transferred many powers over the West Bank's illegal Israeli settlers to civilian control under Israel's Finance Minister, Bezalel Smotrich, himself a settler. This move was widely viewed as a de facto declaration of annexation, as applying civilian control powers indicates an intention to make these settlement blocs a permanent part of Israel.

In July, the Israeli Knesset  unanimously voted to reject Palestinian statehood. At the same time, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has  made clear his intentions to annex large swathes of the West Bank, particularly Area C, which constitutes 60% of the land.

Netanyahu publicly declared that his annexation plans date back to 2019, when he proposed the annexation of the Jordan Valley and major settlements. At that time, Netanyahu's government did not include the Religious Zionism alliance, which is now seen as driving force behind this development.

It appears that significant U.S. political donors have shown support for Israel's annexation plans. Israel's richest billionaire, Miriam Adelson, reportedly contributed $100 million to Donald Trump's campaign, with the expectation that he would  recognize Israeli annexation of the West Bank if elected President.

To facilitate such an annexation, addressing resistance groups in the West Bank is seen as crucial to maintaining security. While Israeli forces killed 660 Palestinians between October 7 and the beginning of the military operation on August 28, the Israeli government has indicated a desire to intensify its efforts to further contain resistance.

Feature photo |Palestinian activist Khairi Hanoon waves the Palestinian flag as a convoy of Israeli military armored vehicles drives by during an army raid in Tulkarem, West Bank,, Sept. 3, 2024. Majdi Mohammed |AP

Robert Inlakesh is a political analyst, journalist and documentary filmmaker currently based in London, UK. He has reported from and lived in the occupied Palestinian territories and hosts the show 'Palestine Files'. Director of 'Steal of the Century: Trump's Palestine-Israel Catastrophe'. Follow him on Twitter @falasteen47
