30/01/2025 lewrockwell.com  12min 🇬🇧 #267487

Munchausen by Medical Board

By El Gato Malo
 Bad Cattitude

January 30, 2025

Megyn Kelly has been en feugo of late and i think she's shedding light on an interesting angle of the current trans crisis that has perhaps been too widely ignored. you do not see this sort of sudden spike in gender issues with children absent provocation. it was not some nascent trend being suppressed for centuries and suddenly allowed to find expression.

This is being done to them and the machine that does it has become a captured thing that works in ways inimical to care or caring. it's a monster of circular affirmation structures devoid of all safety or brakes and it's doing untold, permanent damage to a lot of vulnerable children.

You speak the "magic words" because you are afraid or ill or seek status and attention and the system that has emerged pulls you into a riptide where no one can pull you out or is even allowed to try.

The medical boards require that doctors and psychiatrists "affirm." you say you're a boy or a girl or a 20 gendered space dragon and it's "yes indeed little 10 year old! of course you are! we the medical profession are here to whisk you away to your new life!" those who would say "uh, no, this child was raped and is autistic and has a panoply of other issues that are simply manifesting as what is currently trendy and the issue lies between their ears and not their legs" are barred from discussion. say that and you lose your license and board certification.

And that, my friends, is madness.

Worse, it's a conveyor belt to child destruction and the sterilization and wreckage of young gay and neurodivergent children, a whirlpool designed to drown any whose swim-strokes falter. in many places, laws will even take kids away from parents who fail to "affirm" and hand them over to doctors and surrogates who are required to. franz kafka would have looked at this story line and said "jeez, that's a bit much..."

Have a listen.

Megyn Kelly stuns the Bill Maher audience by laying out the facts about transitioning. After they recoil in disgust, Bill Maher corroborates Megyn Kelly 'We are definitely doing that':
Megyn Kelly: "What we're doing to our children with this trans insanity. We are chopping off...  pic.twitter.com/3ZIVKPFkim

- Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) 𝕏 x.com

Sounds overblown and impossible, right?

It's not.

𝕏 x.com where mentally ill and "neurodivergent" children get railroaded into "affirming care" and no one is allowed to speak against it pervade. stop and really think about this. this 12 year old girl whose family has a history of mental illness was:

  • sexually abused
  • depressed
  • autistic
  • seems to have traits of PTSD, bipolarism, and anxiety
  • and ultimately exhibited psychosis including audio and visual hallucinations

And somehow "let's make you a boy!" jumped to the top of the pile and the rest got ignored? how is this not raising immense questions about consent and capacity?

Well, it's because they are not being asked.

They are often not allowed to be.

but surely such august experts would exercise due care before recommending such radical and irreversible treatment, right? apparently not.

Hormone blockers, testosterone, and gender surgery are not going to help any of what was wrong here. pretty much any actual physician or psychiatrist would tell you so. but if the law says they need not be asked or perhaps could not even counsel against this if they wanted to, you 𝕏 x.com.

None of the above was discussed or explained in Clementine's case. In fact, the opposite occurred. Defendants obscured and concealed important information and failed to disclose the significant health risks associated with a female taking high doses of harmful male hormone drugs and puberty blockers.

Even worse, Defendants made numerous material misrepresentations in order to convince Clementine's parents to agree to puberty blockers, such as assuring them that puberty blockers are "completely reversible," and cross-sex hormones, including asserting that Clementine would commit suicide if she did not begin taking testosterone.

This is enabling a group of people whose views are not even nonsense but literal assault to be protected as "the only ones speaking."

a positive duty to affirm children who are confused about their gender (or worse and likely more likely) confused about something else and then pressured into believing that their confusion is gender based and that "solutions" for it exist is monstrous. it's the opposite of diagnoses and the antithesis of supportive care. it removes all checks, all balances, all second opinions and leaves you alone and helpless in the hands of people whose sense of gender and sexual identity is so deranged that they tell you things like this:

see whole piece  HERE.

this whole system is set up to prey upon the damaged, weak, or confused. it takes ill children or even just uncertain ones and leans in HARD on pushing one sided and dishonest information at them and offering attention and "special privileges" if they just "say the magic words."

but once you do, you're over an event horizon and no one is allowed stop this.

wanna hear an unfunny joke?

why are two year old trans kids like vegan cats?

because you know damn well that neither one of them was the one making that choice.

(and yes, people, even purported medical professionals, are saying 𝕏 that 2 year olds can be trans.)

the feeder for this mulching machine for pediatric sexual identity and primary sex parts may run on greased rails because of a medical establishment bent on febrile fantasy fallacies of intervention, but the thing that seems to always push these poor kids onto the tracks is nearly always the same:

 munchausen by mommy.

listen to this child speak of her fear of being murdered and then her "tearful" mom speaking about the questions she allegedly asked after "who won the election." this woman cannot even speaks trump's name. she's that anxious and unbalanced. "are they going to take me away from you?" watch that one really closely at 47 seconds. this is a smother. her child reflexively pulls away when mom says "are they going to take me away?" this kid does not want mommy comfort, this kid is terrified and traumatized by a seriously sick woman. s/he wants to be saved from his/her mom, not from orange man. freeze the video at 47 seconds and you see this. it's visceral and involuntary. this is child abuse. this kid has PTSD.

this freeze frame tells it all. the mom is waxing self-important in the rapturous decent into meaning through munchausen. she's not scared. look at her. she's happy. this is her sense of self and she mistakes her own abuse for protection. her son DBA her daughter knows better. look at him (and i'm using this pronoun deliberately) pull away. he knows where this is going and the response is revulsion, fear, and a desire to escape the mere touch of the menacing momster. the fears of being killed or taken away are not his, they're mom's. the kid's fear is of mom and her smothering anxious need and desperation to play the protector of imagined aliment. everyone else there knows it.

look at the mom on the left. she's looking right at it. she knows damn well what she's seeing but all we get is mild sort of "kathy bates in misery" level disapproval. look at her kid in front of her. he does not even look up. he has the posture of a beaten dog, cowed, submissive, absent. his one motion the whole interview is to look around startled when mommy michele starts talking. that's a stress response to threat vectors. then he tries to get "small" again and escape notice.

none of these children seem to exhibit any sympathy for or even real interest in one another. this is another signifier of being beaten down. the child on the right looks actually bored, completely disengaged to a degree that's striking for such a high pressure situation. her posture shows a desire to distance herself from what is going on. the moms just care about keeping control. watch the wild head nods when michele frets about "are they going to take me away from you." they all fear their children being taken above all else. it's not the child they are catering to, it's themselves. this whole meeting is a tableau of horrors but worst among them is the saccharine support sympathy of the interviewer. of all the people in the room, she's the one that damn well ought to know better and the questions are the bad psycho drivel of coached confession.

and it reminds me of the last munchausen by mommy cum counsellor coached struggle session outbreak we had in the US: the "recovered memories" scandal. in no small nominative irony, few seem to remember this, so let's have a bit of a refresher:

back in the 80's and 90's, a bunch of crackpot psychologists dreamed up an idea of using high pressure interviews with very young children to "recover" "repressed memories" of sexual abuse. this got surprisingly widespread. its roots were in 70's ideas of repression and denial and the forceful interventions needed to overcome it. therapists used relaxation exercises, age regression, dream interpretation, psychodrama, sodium amytal and hypnosis to help clients visualize abuse. aisles filled with trendy books. guidance counselors, teachers, and munchausen mavens of every stripe piled in looking to play at savior. many parents were falsely accused on the based of what were implanted, cultivated false memories. courts and medical boards accepted it as gospel. the book "michelle remembers" drove a frenzy of social contagion and the sudden "discovery" that a truly implausible number of children had been "sexually assaulted by satanic cults."

"One survey of clinicians taken in 1994 revealed that 13 percent reported seeing at least one case of a patient remembering ritualistic abuse. Thousands of patients described truly incredible scenes of ritual murders, cannibalization, gang rapes, and forced pregnancies."

Other prominent believers in the validity of recovered memories and satanic ritual abuse ranged from the feminist icon Gloria Steinem to the evangelical preacher Pat Robertson to the talk show host Geraldo Rivera. In 1993, Ms. magazine published a cover story with the warning "Believe it! Cult ritual abuse exists." (oprah pitched this too)

( source)

it was all the same railroading. hey, we jammed the kid full of amobarbital, a habit forming hypnotic barbiturate, hypnotized them, and ran them through guided psychodrama and huh, whadda ya know, they all "remembered" stuff.

this was MK ultra for 5th graders.

and finally, it fell apart.

During the late 1990s, there were multiple lawsuits in the United States in which psychiatrists and psychologists were successfully sued, or settled out of court, on the charge of propagating iatrogenic memories of childhood sexual abuse, incest, and satanic ritual abuse. 33

in 2005 harvard psych professor, richard mcnally, named the recovered memory movement "the worst catastrophe to befall the mental health field since the lobotomy era." obviously, he had not seen "trans" yet because this one is a whole new level of calamity perpetrated by the same folks as last time.

the simple fact is that before anyone even starts looking at these kids someone needs to take a hard look at the parents and by that, i generally mean the mom. i have not seen data, but impressionistically, that seems to be the 99% root cause and munchausen by proxy is nearly always in women. lots of single moms seem to have trans kids. not sure i've ever seen one with a single dad. (perhaps i'm wrong, if anyone has data here, please share) it's terrifying for a child to become the vessel into which the anxiety of that which should be your model of love is poured and doing so has become a social contagion preying on any wobbly kid.

it's become a celebrity issue, the "little dog in a fendi bag" of the 2020's, but having 3 trans kids is about like having 3 axe murder kids: it's not "just probability" or genes, it's maternal mayhem run riot. it means there is something going on in that house. (and FWIW, i think the 0.1%-0.6% rate is vastly inflated)

this all gets cast as hysterical "life or death" choice and "they will suicide if they do not get their hormone change!" but this does not stand up to the evidence. 𝕏 there's no reduction in suicide. there's more likely a rise.

what generally fixes "gender confusion" is a natural cure called "adolescence." the cure rate is something in the 90-99% range. you get a big dose of your biologically selected hormones, and things get awfully clear in a big hurry. in 6th grade i was pretty sure girls had cooties and thought my friends who had started liking them were traitors. over the summer, it all changed. but imagine if some goon had leaned on me and said "yes, absolutely! you feel that way because you're a girl!" and tried to prevent my hormonal expression. i mean, i struggle to see how it would have worked on me because i was quite sure i was a boy and and quite precocious and (as my parents will attest) happy to tell adults that they were stupid, but what about someone at higher risk or more confused than i was? a young gay kid. a kid with mental issues or on the spectrum? a kid with trauma?

this is why using puberty blockers on pre-adolescents to prevent a timely puberty is monstrous. that is NOT what those drugs are for. they are to prevent untimely (precocious) puberty that comes too early in some kids stunting growth and leading to sexual mal-development. they are for stopping a puberty at 7 so you can have it on time at 12, not for stopping it at 12 so it does not happen to you. that's NOT reversible. you miss that bus, it does not come back and you'll likely be infertile and incapable of proper sexual function and hormonal development for the rest of your life. helluva adverse effect for something so likely to resolve itself. perhaps we really ought to be looking at the mental health of those prescribing such drugs for such purpose as well...

in the end, this trans outbreak is a social contagion codified into medical rules. it's a sick medical establishment picking up the sickness of parents and teachers and creating a duty to affirm it as "normal" and as "brave." it's the same group of outlandish fake heroes as recovered memories setting new fires so they can play at fireman and burning kids and families to the ground as they do so. there is simply no case for hormonal or surgical intervention on a pre-pubescent child. this is not cure or care, it's calamity.

duty to affirm is a horrowshow. it should be removed and inverted. even adults considering this should be carefully informed and evaluated for fitness to make such a choice, not barred from hearing the truth. that is not a path to informed consent. the medical boards and "specialists" here and their ferocious lobbyists have a great deal to answer for.

i hope this hospital in LA is sued into oblivion as a warning to the rest.

