11/02/2025 lewrockwell.com  6min 🇬🇧 #268557

Receipts Reveal Us. Government Presides Over a Colossal Globe-Spanning Racket

By  Vasko Kohlmayer

February 11, 2025

Watching the receipts pouring in from Elon Musk's DOGE - as well as from other places - one gets that sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach. Confronted with the hard evidence, the suspicion that has long been germinating is suddenly turned into a painful realization.

The realization is this: The U.S. federal government has turned into something akin to a vast criminal syndicate that routinely commits grave crimes against its own population as well as against those abroad.

Here are just some examples, in no particular order:

  • Sponsoring illegal bioresearch in the Wuhan Laboratory
  • Waging wars - direct, clandestine, and by proxy - based on brazen lies and false premises (Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, etc.)
  • Conducting covert regime change operations around the globe, often against populist, democratically elected governments
  • "Financially or logistically supporting narcotics networks in every major region they spring, from the Golden Crescent to the Golden Triangle to South America" 𝕏 see here
  • Sending hundreds of millions of taxpayers' dollars to organizations that facilitate illegal immigration into the U.S.
  • Bankrupting our national finances by contracting unpayable debts and destroying the value of the U.S. dollar
  • Funneling hundreds of millions of taxpayers' dollars into organizations that censor free speech of American citizens as well as citizens of other countries
  • Weaponizing the law, federal agencies, and the justice system for political purposes
  • Lying about the origins of Covid and imposing destructive lockdowns
  • Keeping a senile demented man in the highest office of the land
  • Forcing Americans to take dangerous and ineffective Covid mRNA injections
  • Inserting men in skirts into high government positions
  • Allowing men to defeat and physically abuse women in sporting events
  • Allowing men access to women's bathrooms, locker rooms and private spaces
  • Lying about Hunter Biden's laptop and refusing to investigate the crimes of the Biden family
  • Waging lawfare against President Trump and his followers
  • Rigging elections both at home and abroad
  • Maintaining biolabs in Ukraine
  • Illegally surveilling U.S. citizens on a mass scale through the NSA and such
  • Imposing LGBT and transgender ideology on children both at home and abroad
  • Forwarding Americans' tax money to liberal media outlets
  • Channeling financial support to BLM and its rioters

The damage of these crimes and their costs are breathtaking by any metric.

The staggering depth and scale of wrongdoing, criminality and corruption within the U.S. government that are being exposed even as we speak is almost impossible to digest.

As the heroic Kari Lake aptly 𝕏 observed, "I think Washington, D.C. is a crime scene right now with what they're uncovering with everything that our federal government has been up to."

The Establishment and the Democratic Party are - predictably enough - trying to do everything they can to stop the expose.

"Elon Musk and DOGE are hacking the government," reads an NBC News  headline written by establishment courtier David Ingram.

It is most revealing that something that most normal people call an audit the Establishment alleges to be "hacking."

Hoping to limit disclosure, the Democrat Senate Leader Chuck Schumer stepped out from the U.S. Capitol to publicly protest Elon Musk's effort to conduct an audit of our corrupt government.

Once outside, he 𝕏 broke into an unconvincing chant "We will win! We will win! We won't rest! We won't rest!"

Schumer's performance was so lamentable that even the left-leaning Independent  ran a piece headlined: "Top Democrat rips Chuck Schumer for 'depressing' video of him chanting during Musk protest."

The article quoted Tim Ryan, a Democrat and a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives, who said:

"I just don't even know what to say anymore when I see this kind of stuff. Is it Saturday Night Live or real life?"

Photo 1: Chuck Schumer protesting audit of the Treasury by DOGE

One almost feels sorry for Chuck Schumer. He strikes a tragicomic figure as he desperately tries to defend the indefensible. In a way he is the right man for the role, since his visage and manner seem to be a perfect fit for that which he seeks to safeguard: a thoroughly corrupt enterprise.

Schumer's efforts notwithstanding - with all that has come out - it has now become quite clear that with a yearly budget of more than six trillion dollars and backed by unprecedented military might, the U.S. government runs the largest and most dangerous con in history.

There used to be a time when most of the world looked to America as the good guys, the bearers of freedom, prosperity, free speech, and democracy. Alas, this is no longer the case. Now we do the opposite: we impose censorship, export inflation and transgender ideology, undermine and overthrow democratically elected governments, and baselessly attack and destroy countries that pose no threat to the American people.

Painful as it may be to admit, our government is becoming that which we fought against in the past: the Evil Empire.

We have an extensive track record to show for. Mayhem, chaos, and destruction are the fruit of our works: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria... the list goes on. We can now add to that list Ukraine whose destruction we have provoked, sponsored, and abetted. And let's not forget that we have also bankrolled the ruination of Gaza, which President Trump correctly described as a "demolition site" in a recent press conference.

On the positive side, President Trump seems to be trying his best to expose and rein in the corruption. Given the scope of wrongdoing and the resistance he faces, his is truly a gargantuan task. Predictably, he is getting little help from the Democrats.

Barely two weeks into his presidency, Congressman Al Green  proposed articles of impeachment against Trump. Taking the House floor, the Texas congressman announced:

"I rise to announce that I will bring articles of impeachment against the president for dastardly deeds proposed and dastardly deeds done."

This is what happens in Washington, D.C. when one attempts to expose wrongs and bring some accountability. Too bad it has not occurred to Congressman Green to bring articles of impeachment against the Establishment itself, given its long list of dark deeds.

Kari Lake has got it right: With all the facts that are coming out, it does seem that Washington, D.C. is one large crime scene. It apparently has been so for quite some time.

Would only that President Trump succeed in cleaning the place up. This should not be a partisan effort. All honest people of goodwill should support this enterprise.

 The Best of Vasko Kohlmayer
