15/02/2025 lewrockwell.com  4min 🇬🇧 #268922

Apocalypse Now: A Cascade of Disclosures

By John Leake
 Courageous Discourse

February 15, 2025

Every day I am seeing numerous signs that a true apocalypse is upon us. Because the "Apocalypse of John" was his vision of the end of the world, we often think of an apocalypse as something catastrophic or cataclysmic. In fact, the word comes from the Greek apokalupsis, from apokaluptein 'uncover, reveal', from apo- 'un-' + kaluptein 'to cover'.

John had his Revelation after the Roman Emperor Domitian exiled him from his native Ephesus (now Izmir) to a small penal colony on the island of Patmos. John perceived the Roman Emperor and his empire to be godless and corrupt, so it's logical that his Revelation was imbued with images of the widespread destruction of the existing order.

I believe John's revelation of the end of something is apt for our current era because many U.S. government agencies are in for a major reckoning if the disclosures set in motion by the Trump administration are not blocked or obfuscated by swamp creatures and their corrupt judges.

Mainstream media dodo birds like Andersen Cooper-accustomed to having privileged relationships with the cabals they protect-still haven't fully grasped this, though there are clear signs that Cooper is suffering from extreme cognitive dissonance that is causing him to feel very stressed. This was evidence by his stunning lack of self control when he told former New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu "Don't be a dick," on a live broadcast in which they were discussing the revelations issuing from Elon Musk's DOGE operation.

While guys like Cooper express bewilderment, guys like Texas A.G. Ken Paxton are speaking publicly about the ugly truth of the U.S. government with great ease and candor. In his recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Paxton stated publicly something that he told me privately a fundraiser three years ago-namely, of his conviction as a professional investigator that the people who ran the Biden administration were willfully and deliberately destroying the United States.

At the time he told me this, I shared his conviction, though I sensed that perfidy on such a vast and official scale would be very hard to prove. However, the final proof was President Biden's awarding George Soros the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

To anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear, Soros is obviously determined to act as an agent of chaos. Why else would he support district attorneys who don't prosecute crime? Anyone who is even superficially acquainted with the literature on criminal behavior knows that the vast majority of it is committed by a relatively small number of hyper-aggressive young males. Unless this cohort is subjected to swift penal justice, it will run wild and cause chaos and unremitting sorrow.

As we enter this golden age of investigative scholarship and reporting, we are working on converting our Substack newsletter into a publication that better reflects our core mission as investigative scholars and reporters.

Courageous Discourse was initially conceived in December 2021, when Dr. McCullough and were feeling under heavy censorship fire. Back then, speaking the truth-as best as one could ascertain-was a courageous act in that doing so often resulted in suffering severe penalties.

Dr. McCullough learned this when he was fired from his senior hospital position, sued, stripped of all of his professorships and editorships, and branded by Medscape as one of the "Worst Physicians of 2021," along with a rogues gallery of doctors convicted of performing fraudulent, unnecessary surgery, mass murder, making false diagnoses while under the influence of drugs, sexual harassment, and assault. Dr. McCullough's crime was to treat his patients to prevent them from suffering hospitalization and death.

Needless to say, the picture has completely changed since those dark days three years ago, when we were feeling like shellshocked dissidents. To reflect this new era, we have decided not only to build a publication with the look and feel of an online investigative magazine, we are also going to change our name from Courageous Discourse to FOCAL POINTS. In our current cascade of disclosures-our Apocalypse Now-one of biggest tasks is deciding what to focus on.

This originally appeared on  Courageous Discourse.
