By Jonathan Turley
March 29, 2025
Davidson College officials have launched an investigation into a student, Cynthia Huang, the president of Davidson College's chapter of Young Americans for Freedom. In two separate incidents, Huang spoke out against Palestinian and transgender claims. In a disciplinary letter, Mak Tompkins, Davidson's director of student rights and responsibilities, wrote that she was accused of spreading "misinformation" that could foster Islamophobia and transphobia.
Huang has previously received death threats from peers for criticizing abortion, according to the site College Fix. However, Davidson is investigating her because she distributed a pamphlet last fall titled "Five Myths About Israel Perpetrated by the Pro-Hamas Left" that argued that Palestinians are not a distinct people and rejected the premise of a Palestinian state. She was also faulted for social media comments by YAF about Olympic boxer Imane Khelif, whose gender was controversial during the 2024 Olympics.
Huang has refused to yield and cited, in an op-ed, incidents of being threatened and harassed for her conservative views on the liberal campus.
Her account is all too familiar for many of us in higher education. As I discuss in my book, " The Indispensable Right" administrators are often on a hair-trigger when it comes to conservative speech while turning a blind eye to inflammatory rhetoric.
I have defended faculty who have made an array of disturbing comments on " detonating white people," denouncing police, calling for Republicans to suffer, strangling police officers, celebrating the death of conservatives, calling for the killing of Trump supporters, supporting the murder of conservative protesters and other outrageous statements.
Yet, liberal professors and students tend to enjoy the full protection of academic freedom and free speech. Indeed, at the University of California campus, professors actually rallied around a professor who physically assaulted pro-life advocates and tore down their display.
The support enjoyed by faculty on the far left is in sharp contrast to the treatment given faculty with moderate, conservative or libertarian views. Anyone who raises such dissenting views is immediately set upon by a mob demanding their investigation or termination. Conservatives and libertarians understand that they have no cushion or protection in any controversy, even if it involves a single, later deleted tweet.
One such campaign led to a truly tragic outcome with criminology professor Mike Adams at the University of North Carolina (Wilmington). Adams was a conservative faculty member with controversial writings who had to go to court to stop prior efforts to remove him. He then tweeted a condemnation of North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper for his pandemic rules, tweeting that he had dined with six men at a six-seat table and "felt like a free man who was not living in the slave state of North Carolina" before adding: "Massa Cooper, let my people go." It was a stupid and offensive tweet. However, we have seen extreme comments on the left - including calls to gas or kill or torture conservatives - be tolerated or even celebrated at universities.
Celebrities, faculty, and students demanded that Adams be fired. After weeks of public pummeling, Adams relented and took a settlement to resign. He then killed himself a few days before his final day as a professor.
I do not see anything in the Huang material that is not protected speech. The rationale that it is "misinformation" is revealing in that sense. Davidson is objecting to Huang's views as simply wrong, enforcing a familiar orthodoxy in policing what administrators deem to be information or misinformation.
Higher education is based on the free flow of ideas, including those that challenge orthodoxy. Some of the greatest social and scientific breakthroughs came only after intellectuals were declared heretics or charlatans. Even if Huang escapes punishment, she will be subjected to an investigation as a chilling message to others who may not want to face such public scrutiny or controversy.
Davidson should instead investigate the handling of this matter and expressly bar the use of disinformation and misinformation as the basis for such disciplinary actions.
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