01/06/2011 informationclearinghouse.info  2min 🇬🇧 #53690

 Revenant sur son discours pour répondre à la pression des sionistes, Obama déclare que l'État palestinien ne sera pas basé sur les frontières de 1967

Peace on Zionism's Terms

Obama is the wrong target

By Alan Hart

May 31, 2011 " Information Clearing House ---- When I was reflecting on Netanyahu's domination and control of the Congress of the United States of America, the first headline that came into my mind for this article was Goodbye to peace. I'll now explain why I think the headline above is more appropriate.

The Gentile me almost always agrees with Gideon but on this occasion, and leaving aside the fact that it was Netanyahu's rejection of what Obama said initially that exposed the naked truth, I think Gideon's version of it needs two clarifications.

One is that the truth was exposed like never before only to those who have not been brainwashed by Zionist propaganda - only a minority of Americans, for example.

The only question of interest about Netanyahu is this. Does he really believe the nonsense he speaks about the alleged threats to Israel's security or is he a smooth-talking but diabolical salesman, selling what he knows to be Zionist propaganda lies as truth?

As things are that means Israel remains free to continue its criminal ways:

- defying UN Security Council resolutions and international law;

- pushing ahead with more and more illegal settlements to consolidate its hold on those parts of occupied West Bank it intends to keep for ever;

- resorting to state terrorism (attacks on neighbouring Arab countries and possibly Iran) whenever its leaders feel the need to impose their will on the region.

Some members of Congress who applauded Netanyahu in a scene that reminded me of the enthusiasm for Hitler at Nazi rallies accused Obama of betraying Israel. There has indeed been a betrayal, but what has been betrayed is democracy in America. The many members of Congress who read from Zionism's script and dance to its tune in order to secure election campaign funds and organized Jewish votes in tight races are not merely stooges. Because they are putting the interests of a foreign power above those of their own country, it's time to call them what they really are - traitors.


Memo to all concerned in Congress and the White House.

Israel is not a "Jewish state". How could it be when about a quarter of its citizens are Arabs and mainly Muslim? Israel is a Zionist state. It will only be a Jewish state when it has completed its ethnic cleansing program.

