24/07/2024 lewrockwell.com  14min 🇬🇧 #253294

 Tentative d'assassinat de Trump : la directrice des services secrets démissionne après une vague de critiques

Maga Goes Full Wwe, Biden Withdraws

By Donald Jeffries
 "I Protest"

July 24, 2024

I've been doing a lot of talking about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. The fact that most of those I've discussed this with are dubious that there was a legitimate assassination attempt ought to tell you something. Those of us who are awake know we've been lied to about everything. Why believe this?

I tried to watch a bit of the Republican convention last week. Don't ask me why. Maybe I wanted to see just how big Amber Rose's butt was. Incidentally, why was Amber Rose a speaker? Apparently her claim to fame is as a "video vixen" in hip-hop videos. Nothing says "Make America Great Again" better than that. Amber is a classic American success story, the kind George W. Bush used to extol. She began stripping at age fifteen. Both RINOs and MAGA people love entrepreneurs. Amber is a feminist activist who once called Trump "a fucking idiot." So she joins all the other Never Trumpers that Trumpenstein has warmly embraced since he entered politics. She is half-naked in pretty much every available photo of her. I see her as cabinet material. She's no more ridiculous than Trump's one time Reality TV co-star Omarosa, who he appointed as some kind of "public liaison" in 2017.

Trumpenstein was not the only WWE Hall of Famer in attendance at the Republican convention. Hulk Hogan, arguably the most famous wrestler of all time, made a speech. In his WWE outfit. Using his WWE lingo. Hogan's alleged reluctance to let his daughter date Black men was forgotten amid the hoopla over all the "diversity" this "White Supremacist" party was bragging about. Never forget that Trump's approval rating among Black and Hispanic men has risen dramatically. That's become a crucial part of the MAGA platform. Then there was Kid Rock. I don't know, I just don't get his act. Doesn't seem that talented to me. Kind of a less high Snoop Dog. Like lefty John Cougar Mellencamp, he tries to portray himself as a blue collar guy. But he, like Mellencamp, actually comes from great wealth.

What "conservative" extravaganza would be complete without an excruciating version of "Proud to be American," sung by Lee Greenwood himself? I only watched brief portions of the convention, so I'm sure I missed a loud "USA! USA!" chant or two. And the guy chosen to officially introduce Donald Trump to the fawning crowd was Dana White, head of the UFC. Where was Don King? Sure, he's a two time convicted murderer, but at last report he "identifies" as a Republican now. I admire White's seeming loyalty to freedom of speech, but it's hard to take a political movement seriously when both he and Hulk Hogan are featured spokesmen. Tucker Carlson spoke, which was about the highlight as far as I could determine. Where was Alex Jones, or any other representative from the conspiracy world? No outreach there? And why was Prime Time Alex Stein kicked out for offending odious liberal Cenk Uygur?

Much focus was on Trump's running mate, Senator J.D. Vance. I have to admit that I was favorably disposed towards Vance, from his many appearances on Tucker Carlson. He sounded pretty good to me. But then I learned about his dubious background, courtesy of John Brisson, and expounded upon by Whitney Webb. Vance has close ties to the shadowy Peter Thiel, who was a co-founder of PayPal and is worth nearly $10 billion. And he's gay married, so he fits right into the "new normal" of MAGA/WWE conservatism. Fittingly, he financed Hulk Hogan in a lawsuit he was involved in. He also co-founded the alarming Palantir Technologies, which is concerned with "fighting terrorism," and provides data to intelligence services like the CIA, whose venture capital arm was Palantir's first backer. And, by the way, Vance has apparently been to the last seven Bilderberg funfests.

Vance supposedly grew up in struggling financial circumstances, raised by a single mother. Well, what politician ever claims to have grown up in a secure and wealthy household? They've been lying about that since Honest Abe Lincoln, whose father was actually one of the wealthiest landowners in the state. I detailed just how rare upward mobility is in politics, or any other prominent field, in Survival of the Richest. Anyway, we are told that Vance eventually wound up at Yale Law School. At last report, the yearly tuition for Yale Law School was over $71,000 a year. That would amount to over $280,000 for the full four years. It is said that Yale "offered a nearly full ride the first year." Okay, that's fine and dandy, but how did this son of a one time drug addicted single mother pay the rest of the more than $200,000? Maybe he worked nights at a pizza parlor. Even two pizza parlors. That's what entrepreneurs do.

Now, you're probably saying, "but Vance went to Yale in 2010, tuition was cheaper then." You would have a point, but how much cheaper could it have been? Let's say that Bidenomics has doubled the tuition rate for Yale since then. You'd still have to explain where Vance got more than $100,000 to pay his tuition. Vance went on to become a "venture capitalist." I am extremely suspicious of any "venture capitalist," especially those who come from alleged poverty. And then he wrote this book, Hillbilly Elegy, which was promoted like the books of mere mortals rarely are, and became a huge best-seller. As the author of ten books, I am also suspicious of any books that receive the kind of publicity Vance's did. Netflix even made a movie out of it. I am extremely suspicious of...well, never mind. Vance is worth as much as $10.5 million.

In a curious move for a supposed White Supremacist, Vance married a woman from India. They have three kids, all with Indian names. One is little Vivek. Alex Stein tried to ask if he was named after Vivek Ramaswamy, but he was subsequently run out of the MAGA/WWE convention. I don't why; doesn't Alex Stein have a lot of WWE in his act? Vance's wife is openly Hindu. Vance is, or was, a Catholic. It is unknown what religion the tykes with the Indian names are being raised in. Nick Fuentes is so upset over Vance marrying an Indian that he no longer endorses Trump. You'd think that Trump's extreme Zionism would already have caused him to lose Fuentes' support, but it actually took an Indian wife to do that.

Trump is already floating out potential names for Treasury Secretary. One of them is Jamie Dimon. You can't get much more swampy than Dimon. His name appeared as much as any other corrupt One Percenter in my Survival of the Richest. His strongest competition is said to be BlackRock CEO Larry Fink. So it will be Trumpenstein Part II. He is not going to deviate from the script he's been assigned. If he has another administration, it will be stocked with RINOs and Bush-types. Maybe for WWE style laughs, he'll name Amber Rose Secretary of Ass. Just as before, you won't see any real outsiders. Not even any half-hearted outsiders. Just establishment toadies and Never Trumpers. J.D. Vance was a Never Trumper not that long ago, by the way. That must have been what made him so attractive to Trumpenstein.

The more I look into the events of July 13, 2024, the more suspicious I become. Boy, I guess I'm just naturally suspicious. We are being told so many different things, but all of them, while often contradicting each other, totally discredit the official story. Thomas Matthew Crooks, he of such shooting capability that he failed to make his high school rifle team, is said to have brought his own ladder to the event. Well, who doesn't? It's kind of like the old BYOB thing back in America 1.0. So, he was walking around with a tall rung ladder? And a rifle? What did he have to do to get the Secret Service's attention- have an "I am Trump's Assassin" shirt on? And now we're told that he had his own drone there as well. Then there's that photo of him that sure looks like he's "transitioning." Can't have that kind of narrative.

Seemingly all Republicans are noticing the obvious about this incident; the absolute stand down of the Secret Service. Well, you must throw the Just Plain Police in there as well. After all, they were alerted by citizens pointing to the guy scaling a ladder- his own ladder, to the roof, with a conspicuous rife slung over his shoulder, and they didn't react any more than the Secret Service did. And, oh yes, now we learn that there was a sniper team inside the same building Crooks was climbing. With his own ladder. You'd think that trained "professionals" might notice someone throwing a ladder against the building they are inside of, and then climbing up to the roof. While brandishing a rifle. We are told that the authorities had this guy under observation for perhaps thirty minutes. These things take time. You can't rush them.

So everybody was fired up at the Secret Service, quite rightfully so. Except for Donald Trump. In his classic Trumpenstein style, Trump praised the Secret Service for their courage. And I guess their quick reaction? It sounded pretty ridiculous, but the faithful convention crowd cheered anyhow. But a few days later, Trump blasted the Secret Service for not telling him about the gunman they'd seen for thirty minutes or whatever. He pointed out that he shouldn't have taken the stage until the threat had been neutralized. J.D. Vance agreed, and questioned the competence of Trump's Secret Service detail. They were about as bad as it gets; ducking down themselves, while leaving Trumpenstein upright as an inviting target. But they did retrieve his MAGA hat. And his oddly missing shoes. So they have their priorities straight.

Now we are being told that none of the Butler County Sherriff's office deputies who were at the scene were wearing bodycams, or they weren't working. Or was it state troopers? The security cameras don't seem to work at mass shootings, either. Kind of like Lee Harvey Oswald being interrogated multiple times by the Dallas Police, without anything he said being tape recorded. Tape recorders were common in 1963. The Dallas Police just didn't have one. Neither did the vaunted FBI. To record the statements of an alleged presidential assassin. Where are all the cell phone videos of the Trump incident? We've seen a few, but there should be a plethora of them. Have they confiscated the cell phone of the woman behind Trump on the stage, who didn't react at all to gunfire, and instead boldly started filming? The Fact Checkers tell us that she isn't the assistant director of the FBI, as was rumored. Well, then, who is she?

Peter Secosh, who has helped me so much with research, has found even more anomalies. Why did Crooks' van have Arizona license plates? He supposedly lived in Butler, Pennsylvania. Was someone moving him around? It now seems that there were more agents from Homeland Security "guarding" Trump at the event than from the Secret Service. As happens in all these cases, the rooftop where Crooks was allegedly shot and killed was quickly cleaned up, this time by the FBI. They are very diligent about destroying crime scenes. The Fact Checkers say otherwise, but many insist that the photographer who caught the iconic Iwo Jima-like photo was Doug Mills, who twenty years earlier captured George W. Bush being informed by whisper about the 9/11 attacks, while he read to elementary school students. There were multiple witness accounts of a shooter on the water tower, and snipers firing back.

If we are to believe all these accounts, Crooks rode his bicycle through the rally unimpeded. But then where was the huge ladder he brought with him? I don't think he could have transported that on his bike. He supposedly had explosives in his vehicle, and was carrying not only a conspicuous rifle, but a detonator. And there was a transmitter found next to his body which was tied to the explosives discovered in or next to his Hyundai. Then who owned the van? Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle was part of the team that evacuated then Vice President Dick Cheney on 9/11. And for good measure, she was associated with the deleted texts scandal relating to the January 6 protest. A Republican yelled courageously at her in a hearing the other day, but Cheatle was adamant about not resigning. Then she did. I predict that Trump picks Cheatle as his chief of staff. I suspect the Stupid Party will eventually just blame Iran. Iran is noted for their control over our Secret Service.

So to sum up, we have a lone nut who rode his bicycle into the rally, but also carried his own large rung ladder. And openly carried a rifle. He drove a Hyundai to the event, and I guess took the bike out and decided to inexplicably ride it into the rally instead of walking. There was a detonator and explosives in one of the vehicles tied to him. Was it the van with Arizona license tags? Or his trusty little Hyundai? Maybe he drove both of them there? One at a time, parked them, and then got his bike? Despite there being multiple witnesses reporting other shooters, and even seeing them, they have settled on the narrative they always do; a troubled lone nut, acting for unknown reasons. Don't worry, the Washington Generals will leave no stone unturned here. They are undoubtedly scouring the list of known Iranian "terrorists" as we speak. I am also indebted to Steve Cameron for his great work on this case.

While Trump supporters would hear no talk about Trump's own curious actions on July 13, the most demented "Woke" voices out there finally found an event that was fake. A hoax. Crisis actors. Fake blood. I'm talking about Joy Reid. Keith Olbermann. The ones that cheered on the absurd lawsuits against Alex Jones. The ones who'd like to lock up all those who question the mass shooting narratives. But this incident was different somehow. There is no way that the Giant Orange Micro-Penis could possibly have been shot at, and reacted in what Mark Zuckerberg called "the most badass" manner he'd ever seen. Well, you would have to believe that if you accept that real shots were fired at Trump. A seventy eight year old billionaire, never known to have experienced gunfire, looked more like an action hero than a soft, entitled casino mogul. Is that feasible? Am I agreeing with Reid and Olbermann?

As if all this wasn't exciting enough, over the weekend President Joe Biden announced that he was withdrawing from the race, evoking memories of LBJ in 1968. Or did he voluntarily resign? It was pointed out that the written statement wasn't on White House letterhead. And the statement I read didn't initially endorse Vice President Kamala Harris. Some said it wasn't Biden's signature. Who knows? Did they even tell him? Was he the victim of an inside coup? Did they send him to the basement, stocked with mass quantities of ice cream, and tell him to resume his usual campaigning there? Regardless, Dr. Jill will now go back to being Just Plain Jill. A former hot babysitter who grasped the golden ring. Biden can console himself with getting away with plenty of high crimes, in the grand American political tradition.

Will they actually run Harris? I don't see how her cackling and vacuousness are any worse than Biden's overt dementia and child hair sniffing. It doesn't matter who the Democrats run; they will get the same amount of votes, because they will be cast against Trump, not for any particular candidate. But I'm still thinking they want to bring Hillary in, give her kind of a Lifetime Achievement Award. No one has been more committed to corruption, for a longer time, than the Queen of the Swamp. Or Michelle Obama, who might cover all the possible Identity Politics bases. Get those Big Mike memes ready. Harris seems boring by contrast. Her dedication to sexually servicing powerful males is in the grand tradition of Monica Lewinsky. Monica did pretty well for herself on that alone. And now we have Hawk Tuah Girl. No one better exemplifies America 2.0. So maybe Kamala is the right nonbinary for the job.

I wrote about Harris years ago, when she was the San Francisco district attorney. She came up with a program to allow illegals in prison to get some kind of special training for jobs. It wasn't open to prisoners who were American citizens. She was a pathfinder, setting the precedent for putting illegals in five star hotels, while citizens shiver outside in tents, and veterans are denied healthcare. She also made some wildly inaccurate comments about the RFK assassination. To be fair, no U.S. politician is ever likely to make accurate comments about any Kennedy assassination. Well, except for the ignored candidate RFK, Jr. It was an article that appeared in American Free Press. You might find it in the archives somewhere. Spoiler- she doesn't think there was a conspiracy. And Donald Trump contributed to her campaign in 2011. He also supported Hillary in 2008. It's a Trumpenstein thing, you wouldn't understand.

We've come a long way, baby, as the Virginia Slims cigarette commercials used to say. Maybe there will be actual drama at the Democratic convention, set, by a fortuitous coincidence, in the same Chicago that saw such contention in 1968. And Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. son of the Democratic front runner slain that year, is in the mix here as well. They're doing their best to ignore him, but he's still a presidential candidate. So will it be Trump vs. Harris (and the ignored RFK, Jr.?) Will they count the votes? Will Trumpenstein complain if he "loses?" If he does, will every leading Republican oppose his protests and eagerly anoint the new Cackler in Chief? Will "heads roll" over the Trump assassination attempt? Will Trump take his ear bandage off before the election? Inquiring minds want to know.

