21/10/2024 strategic-culture.su  10min 🇬🇧 #259046

Biblical cruelty took power in Israel: « Mein Kampf in reverse »

José Goulão

The "law of the people" is the fallacy on which the State of Israel has historically relied, from its founding as a Western colony in Palestine to ensuring imperial control throughout the Middle East.

In countless comments and opinions that proliferate regarding the current situation in the Palestinian territories known as Israel, there is the conviction that the only problem is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In other words, once he resigns or is fired, the crisis will be resolved and everything will return to the Lord's peace with the continuation of the methodical ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

Pure deception, pious illusion. Nothing will be the same again in the so-called "Jewish State".

The deduction is objective and results from the inevitable reality that would one day have to arrive: the terrible ideological and religious existential battle that takes place within Zionism - the racist and supremacist doctrine on which the State of Israel is based - between the secular and religious fundamentalists; or "between the law of the people" and "God's law", in the meaningful yet simplistic words of a participant in one of the recent gigantic demonstrations in Tel Aviv.

The "law of the people" is the fallacy on which the State of Israel has historically relied, from its founding as a Western colony in Palestine to ensuring imperial control throughout the Middle East. A fallacy in which Zionism itself propagandistically lived in the initial phase after its birth, at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, when the official founder of the doctrine, the Austrian and Ashkenazic Jew Theodor Herzl, proclaimed it as a secular system and of European political inspiration (which today is called liberal); and whose mobilizing tasks were "the return (of the Jews) to the Promised Land" because Palestine was nothing more than "a land without people for a people without land".

This is, from the beginning, the fatal contradiction of Zionism: between the secular propaganda that prevailed mythologically as unique until 1925; and the authentic and, in fact, original essence of the expansionist doctrine, its religious and fundamentalist character exposed by the biblical concept of "Promised Land" and the consequent occupation of a "land without people" or, in quantitatively more objective terms, an abusively populated territory by barbarians and uncivilized people. In truth, Zionism was born immediately contaminated by religious inevitability, only tactically hidden.

All the first heads of government since the founding of the State of Israel have embodied this inconsistent duality, claiming to be secular in politics and religious in personal life, an ambiguity essential to guarantee the façade of respect for the norms of Western democracies, such as the separation between Church and State, essential for the attempt to give credibility to the already tired proclamation as "the only democracy in the Middle East". Or, as Prime Minister Netanyahu guarantees today, while carrying out the bloody final solution for the Palestinians, to ensure "the defense of Western civilization" in the region.

It deserves a brief reflection on the fact that these Israeli political leaders, overwhelmingly Ashkenazi and settlers, because they are of European origin, are careful to declare themselves religious. This is the only premise that undoubtedly guarantees their Judaism because the Semitism of many of these Europeans is probably residual or null. Otherwise, if they disdained the personal religious factor, we would then be faced with yet another trace of the caricature of anti-Semitism imposed as the official version and which serves Israel to accuse the rest of the world of being anti-Semitic. Therefore, the founding fathers themselves would not be Semites or religious, immediately falsifying the Jewish character of the new State and denouncing in plain sight its exclusive and artificial role as a colony of Western powers in the Middle East.

Beginning of the end of "secular Zionism"

The founding fallacy of Zionism has survived many decades since the establishment of the State while the continued colonization of Arab territories was developing, an illegal process only possible thanks to the tolerance and complicity of the UN, the United States and the countries involved in European integration: first in the territories allocated to the Arab population through the sharing agreement approved in 1948 by the United Nations; from 1967 and the so-called Six-Day War, in the Palestinian regions of Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem occupied at that time, allowing the installation of settlements in vast areas stolen by the Zionist regime from the original population. They are now home to almost 700,000 fanatical fundamentalist Jews from all over the world, the overwhelming majority without any ethnic roots in Palestine.

This brutal and massive demographic violence, always with the character of ethnic cleansing, as it was written, mortally wounded the fallacy of secular Zionism. Real, fascist, fiercely racist and segregationist Zionism, which has the expulsion of all Palestinians on the horizon, has taken power over the most recent decades and intends to remain there eternally "by the will of God", respected and fulfilled through "prophets" self-taught and terrorists who consider themselves mandated by him to guarantee their vigilante role on Earth by applying the terrifying mythology of the Old Testament to the letter.

Netanyahu is just another leader in this process of transforming the character of the State, even though the role of head of government played almost exclusively over the last 30 years has given him a natural prominence, although overestimated in relation to his real weight in the fundamentalist environment. nun who today administers Israel. He inherited the mission from his father, Benzion Netanyahu, in turn personal secretary and one of the main ideological disciples of Volodymir Jabotinsky, the Ukrainian who was a collaborator of Mussolini and in 1925 had caused the great schism between the secular Zionism opportunistically proclaimed at birth and that designated "revisionist Zionism" founded by him. This variant of extremist colonialism under "Hebrew" cover inspires the political-religious fanaticism that prevails in the current government and aims to create a theocracy - the primacy of the "Law of God". Maintaining, of course, the mission of defending Western civilization in the Middle East. It is no small matter that this fanatical tendency has enormous representation within the World Jewish Congress and is supported without practical restrictions by the United States regime and the non-democratic bodies that define European Union policies.

Voices that foresee the catastrophe

Ehud Barak, one of the most experienced Israeli politicians, prime minister of a government at the beginning of the century that practiced a savage repression of the so-called Second Palestinian Intifada and was the last head of the Labor Party as an influential political organization, has a relevant opinion about the ongoing events. "Under the cover of war," he says, "a governmental and constitutional coup is taking place without a shot being fired; If the coup is not stopped it will turn Israel into a dictatorship within weeks - Netanyahu and his government are murdering democracy." The path proposed by the now "centrist" leader is to "close the country through large-scale civil disobedience 24 hours a day, seven days a week".

A much more incisive and advanced opinion, and also alarming, comes from General Moshe Yalon, former Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces and former Minister of Defense:

"An angry, eschatological cult is laying down the law in Tel Aviv, the headquarters of the genocidal and colonial construction of the settler community; This process is completed with a huge vigilante militia, or interconnected militias of hundreds of thousands of colonists armed to the teeth, uncontrollable and prepared for anything, even attacking the military and the State."

A "former Mossad director" quoted by the newspaper "Haaretz" even questions the future of the so-called "Jewish State" saying that if it takes the form of "a racist and violent State it will not be able to survive; and it's probably already too late."

"A Mein Kampf in reverse"

When following the globalist media network, it will be said that the current Israeli government is made up only of Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Minister of Finance, Bezalel Smotrich, and the Minister of Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, these two benevolently considered as "far-right" when, in practice, they are nothing more than Nazi terrorists.

Smotrich is a settler head of the National Religious Party who denies the existence of the Palestinian people, "composed of sub-humans". On his record he has several accusations of terrorist attacks, including against Zionist authorities.

Itamar Ben-Gvir is the son of an Iraqi Kurdish Jew who was part of the terrorist group Irgun, a founding branch of the Israeli army born in the ranks of Mussolini and historically led by former prime minister Menahem Begin. He heads the Otzmar Yehdiut organization, equally "extreme right" and heir to the banned Kach movement of the fascist icon Meir Kahane, an American terrorist born in New York, where he committed several attacks for which he was sentenced to one year in prison, which he served in a hotel. He then settled in Israel to fight for the expulsion of all Palestinians from Palestine, was arrested at least 60 times for terrorist attacks and was elected a member of the Knesset (Parliament).

Voices that foresee the catastrophe

Ehud Barak, one of the most experienced Israeli politicians, prime minister of a government at the beginning of the century that practiced a savage repression of the so-called Second Palestinian Intifada and was the last head of the Labor Party as an influential political organization, has a relevant opinion about the ongoing events. "Under the cover of war," he says, "a governmental and constitutional coup is taking place without a shot being fired; If the coup is not stopped it will turn Israel into a dictatorship within weeks - Netanyahu and his government are murdering democracy." The path proposed by the now "centrist" leader is to "close the country through large-scale civil disobedience 24 hours a day, seven days a week".

A much more incisive and advanced opinion, and also alarming, comes from General Moshe Yalon, former Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces and former Minister of Defense:

"An angry, eschatological cult is laying down the law in Tel Aviv, the headquarters of the genocidal and colonial construction of the settler community; This process is completed with a huge vigilante militia, or interconnected militias of hundreds of thousands of colonists armed to the teeth, uncontrollable and prepared for anything, even attacking the military and the State."

A "former Mossad director" quoted by the newspaper "Haaretz" even questions the future of the so-called "Jewish State" saying that if it takes the form of "a racist and violent State it will not be able to survive; and it's probably already too late."

"A Mein Kampf in reverse"

When following the globalist media network, it will be said that the current Israeli government is made up only of Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Minister of Finance, Bezalel Smotrich, and the Minister of Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, these two benevolently considered as "far-right" when, in practice, they are nothing more than Nazi terrorists.

Smotrich is a settler head of the National Religious Party who denies the existence of the Palestinian people, "composed of sub-humans". On his record he has several accusations of terrorist attacks, including against Zionist authorities.

Itamar Ben-Gvir is the son of an Iraqi Kurdish Jew who was part of the terrorist group Irgun, a founding branch of the Israeli army born in the ranks of Mussolini and historically led by former prime minister Menahem Begin. He heads the Otzmar Yehdiut organization, equally "extreme right" and heir to the banned Kach movement of the fascist icon Meir Kahane, an American terrorist born in New York, where he committed several attacks for which he was sentenced to one year in prison, which he served in a hotel. He then settled in Israel to fight for the expulsion of all Palestinians from Palestine, was arrested at least 60 times for terrorist attacks and was elected a member of the Knesset (Parliament).
