08/02/2025 francesoir.fr  3min 🇬🇧 #268334

France is a sleeping giant, so « Allons enfants de la patrie » message from George Simion, president of the Aur to the French



France is a sleeping giant, so "Allons enfants de la patrie" message from George Simion, president of the AUR to the French

In a captivating interview with France-Soir in Bucharest, George Simion, president of the Romanian party AUR (Alliance for the Union of Romanians), shares his vision of a reinvented Europe. He is the creator of the MEGA movement ("Make Europe Great Again"), inspired by the ideas of American President Donald Trump to promote a Europe of Nations, as opposed to a Europe unified under the banner of globalism.

An inspired movement

In the interview conducted by Xavier Azalbert, George Simion explained the genesis of the MEGA movement, highlighting Trump's efforts to "make America great again." He said: "We saw what was happening with COVID, with Dr. Fauci and the Trump administration. With the loss of freedom that we had with COVID, it pushed us to create a political party here in Romania in 2019."


Video in english and french subtitle

A real opposition to the current European system where Romania has a real role

George Simion is an outspoken critic of the European Union, accusing it of being diverted from its original project by "sick minds" and "corrupt globalists" like Ursula von der Leyen. He aspires to a Europe free from the domination of Brussels, advocating a "Europe of Nations" where each country would retain its sovereignty. "We want the conservative political scene to get to know each other," he insists, stressing the importance of unity among conservatives to defend their vision of Europe.

For George Simion, Romania has a crucial role to play in this new Europe. He highlights his country's Christian and historical heritage, which comes from Greek civilization and the Latin Empire. "We are an ancient people", he says, stressing the importance of preserving this heritage in the face of external influences. George Simion asserts that Romania, having survived multiple imperial occupations and totalitarian regimes, can bring inestimable value to the construction of a European area of freedom and justice.

A call for the awakening of the people

George Simion makes a vibrant appeal to European nations, particularly France, which he describes as a "sleeping giant". Aware of the challenges posed by global elites, he urges citizens to wake up and take back control of their destiny. "We believe in the power of people," he says, criticizing political and media manipulations that, according to him, seek to impose a uniformizing "neo-Marxism".

In this essential interview, George Simion reveals a burning desire to redefine Europe through a coalition of sovereign nations, united by their shared values and history. He concludes by calling for the awakening of the peoples of Europe, quoting the famous French motto: "Allons enfants de la Patrie." A message that perfectly sums up his vision of a strong and independent Europe, founded on freedom and the diversity of nations.

George Simion, by speaking directly to the French people, hopes to awaken consciences and inspires a movement of resistance against globalist forces. His impassioned speech reflects a deep aspiration for a Europe where each nation can prosper while respecting its traditions and identity.


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