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15/02/2025 reseauinternational.net  5min #268931

La fin de la synchronisation : comment le retour de Donald Trump remet en cause l'alliance transatlantique

par Lucas Leiroz

L'élection du président républicain aux États-Unis pose problème à l'intégration transatlantique.

Avec le retour de Donald Trump sur la scène politique américaine, un nouveau chapitre s'ouvre dans les relations transatlantiques, notamment en ce qui concerne la pratique de la «synchronisation des montres» entre les États-Unis et leurs alliés européens.

15/02/2025 reseauinternational.net  5min #268929

Les États-Unis tentent-ils de couper la jugulaire commerciale de la Chine

par German Gorraiz Lopez

La Chine a ajouté la route maritime du Nord au mégaprojet de l'initiative «La ceinture et la route» pour relier les deux extrémités du continent eurasien, les deux routes constituant la jugulaire commerciale chinoise que les États-Unis tentent de couper.

Initiative «La ceinture et la route»

Selon certaines informations, la Chine aurait relevé le défi de construire le canal de l'isthme de Kra prévu entre la Thaïlande et la Birmanie pour contourner le détroit de Malacca, devenu - de facto - une route maritime encombrée et en proie à des attaques de pirates.

15/02/2025 reseauinternational.net #268928

Ray Mcgovern : Comment la Cia est devenue la plus grande menace pour la sécurité des États-Unis

15/02/2025 reseauinternational.net  4min #268927

Palantir : la baguette magique du Doge ou l'arme de l'État profond ?

par Ekaterina Blinova

L'ascension fulgurante de Palantir sur le marché a suscité des spéculations sur son rôle dans le département de l'Efficacité gouvernementale (DOGE) d'Elon Musk - et sur de sombres projets militaires. Explorons la question.

Le DOGE de Musk utilise-t-il la technologie de Palantir ?

• Des utilisateurs de X affirment que l'IA de Palantir a facilité

15/02/2025 reseauinternational.net #268926

Trump : l'attrape-complotistes préféré du pouvoir (avec Joe Massot)

par Jérémie Mercier

Donald Trump est perçu par une partie non négligeable de la dissidence comme un des rares politiques à se battre contre l'État profond, voire comme un sauveur.

Joe Massot revient sur le personnage de Donald Trump, ses soutiens, son entourage, ainsi que sur ses déclarations et ses agissements réels.

De quoi faire réfléchir y compris ses plus ferven

15/02/2025 lewrockwell.com  10min 🇬🇧 #268924

Trump's White House Faith Office Head Paula White: The High Priestess of False Prophets

By Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin Live

February 15, 2025

Not to be outdone by his predecessor, G.W. Bush, in his enthusiasm to mollify Christian Zionist supporters, Donald Trump has created the first-ever White House Faith Office. To lead this new government bureaucracy, designed specifically to target religion in America, Trump appointed his spiritual advisor Paula White.

As you may recall, the younger Bush created the Faith-Based Initiative, in which he doled out hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars that created a mechanism of using money from the federal government to fund various and sundry church programs-thus directly buying support for the politicians providing this support (as if government tax exemption is not enough) and providing a vehicle by which government can control religion to its liking.

15/02/2025 lewrockwell.com  4min 🇬🇧 #268922

Apocalypse Now: A Cascade of Disclosures

By John Leake
Courageous Discourse

February 15, 2025

Every day I am seeing numerous signs that a true apocalypse is upon us. Because the "Apocalypse of John" was his vision of the end of the world, we often think of an apocalypse as something catastrophic or cataclysmic. In fact, the word comes from the Greek apokalupsis, from apokaluptein 'uncover, reveal', from apo- 'un-' + kaluptein 'to cover'.

15/02/2025 lewrockwell.com  2min 🇬🇧 #268920

Hang Them High, Bondi

15/02/2025 lewrockwell.com  15min 🇬🇧 #268919

The Year In Review and the Incredible Opportunities Before Us

By A Midwestern Doctor
The Forgotten Side of Medicine

February 15, 2025

I feel one of the most significant issues in healthcare is that things are so rushed that patients don't get the opportunity to establish a genuine relationship with their physician, and hence, they often lack the critical voice that is necessary for a doctor-patient relationship to be therapeutic. Because of this, I initially had the goal to correspond with everyone who reached out to me, but now, due to how many correspondences I receive, that's no longer possible.

15/02/2025 lewrockwell.com  4min 🇬🇧 #268918

Paper Money and the Fed Have Destroyed the Penny and the Rest of Our Money

By Jacob G. Hornberger

The Future of Freedom Foundation

February 15, 2025

President Trump has ordered the U.S. Mint to stop producing pennies. The reason is that it's too costly to produce them. It costs the Mint nearly four cents to produce one penny.

The penny phenomenon is good example of what the federal government - and, specifically, the Federal Reserve - has done to our money. Ever since the Fed and a paper-money system were established in 1913 and the 1930s, the Fed has destroyed the value and stability of American money.

15/02/2025 lewrockwell.com  7min 🇬🇧 #268917

Ai's Perspective on Global Conflicts: Self-Determination a Key Criteria for Fairness.

By George Matwijec

February 15, 2025

As an educator, I am particularly intrigued by AI's potential as an educational tool rather than its functional applications in the workplace. To explore this, I conducted an in-depth interview with AI on over 25 topics, aiming to uncover its perspectives on a wide range of issues. This exploration feels especially relevant as more people turn to AI as a credible source of information.

15/02/2025 lewrockwell.com  8min 🇬🇧 #268916

Could Trump Reverse Engineer Esg And Use It For Good Instead of Evil?

By Brandon Smith


February 15, 2025

This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group

With the death of the woke movement well underway and most mainstream discussion focused on DEI, it might be prudent to remind people where all the this Cultural Marxism came from. What was the original source? Well, these programs have been spreading like a plague into modern academia for decades, but the impetus for near-total takeover of the majority of our social institutions was the launch of ESG programs under the UN and an army of NGOs.