Séisme au Maroc

par Al Manar

Un terrible séisme a touché le Maroc dans la nuit du vendredi 8 au samedi 9 septembre, dans la région de Marrakech. Le bilan provisoire fait état de 2012 morts et 2059 blessés.

source :  Al Manar


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16/09/2023 lewrockwell.com  8min 🇬🇧 #233864

 Séisme au Maroc

Morocco - Earthquake Preceded by Mysterious Blue Lights

By Peter Koenig
Global Research

September 16, 2023

On 8 September 2023, a devastating 6.8 (richter) earthquake hit Morocco, mostly the Atlas region, killing more than 3,000 people, affecting more than 100,000 children according to UNICEF, and leaving thousands of people still missing within the heaps of seemingly endless rubble.

"Large lightening appears before the earthquake in Morocco with unknown causes"….