La Turquie propose un nouveau projet de « Palestine indépendante »
Alexandr Svaranc,
Les résultats du dernier conflit militaire israélo-arabe restent incertains. La Turquie mène une diplomatie active en avançant de nouvelles propositions pour un règlement politique de la question palestinienne. Où peuvent mener les idées d'Ahmet Davutoglu ?
Le président Recep Tayyip Erdogan, après avoir observé un mois de silence depuis le début de la guerre dans la bande de Gaza, a pris position en faveur des Palestiniens.
Dazi Ue su fertilizzanti da Russia e Bielorussia, Confagricoltura: Dannosi per la produttivita agricola italiana
Confagricoltura manifesta perplessità nei confronti della proposta dell'Unione europea di introdurre dazi su alcuni fertilizzanti in arrivo da Russia e Bielorussia. La Confederazione ritiene questa misura compromissoria per la produzione agricola italiana, dal momento che non sussistono prodotti sostitutivi di uguale qualità in altri mercati.
Per Palazzo della Valle la
Pentagon Döstädning: A Good Idea
By Karen Kwiatkowski
March 1, 2025
Trump has proposed that the United States, China, and Russia cut their defense budgets by half. If the administration pulls the trigger - death cleaning the Pentagon - most Americans won't notice and all will benefit.
Swedish death cleaning - döstädning - is about getting one's house in order, in preparation for handing over what has been accumulated to the next generation.
The Kennedy Effect on Food
By Jennifer Galardi
The Kennedy Beacon
March 1, 2025
It's been just over two weeks since Robert F. Kennedy Jr. took the helm at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and already some companies are adopting policy recommendations aligned with the MAHA agenda.
In what might be the biggest shift yet, the CEO of Chicago-based Mondelez International, Dirk van de Put, announced the food conglomerate would begin to use European recipes for its U.S.
A Trump-Putin Accord?
By Paul Craig Roberts
March 1, 2025
Why is it that American liberal Democrats and Europeans are so disturbed that Trump is moving the United States toward normal relations with Russia instead of maintaining a hostile approach to Russia based on proxy wars, sanctions, and endless propaganda? We know why the think tanks and university faculties supported by the military/security complex are upset-their incomes are at stake.
Engineered Collapse of the Middle Class
By Henry Dustfinger
March 1, 2025
The writing is on the wall and the elites are conducting a last-ditch operation to take it all.
Historically, the expansion of the middle class was supported by the balance of power between capital owners and labor. When labor was scarce - such as after the Black Death - the average citizen was able to negotiate better working conditions and pay.
More recently, cheap and abundant energy created an economic surplus that could support policies strengthening the middle class.
The Worst Market Intervention of All Time
By George F. Smith
March 1, 2025
An inhabitant of Berlin, who in 1914 would have been jubilant upon receiving an unexpected legacy of 1,000 marks, did not think an amount of 1,000,000,000 marks worth his attention in the fall of 1923. - Ludwig von Mises, Interventionism, An Economic Analysis
World War I could be said to have produced the incredible destruction of the mark, but guns didn't fire upon the German currency.
World War Iii Is Still on the Table: Europe Wants Boots on the Ground in Ukraine
By Brandon Smith
March 1, 2025
In the lead up to the 2024 presidential elections in the US the Biden Administration in collusion with UK, European and Ukrainian partners devised a plan to "Trump Proof" the war in Ukraine. In other words, they openly admitted that they wanted to prevent Trump from taking any actions that might force an end to the war and render a serious peace agreement.
The Dog Probably Ate It
By James Howard Kunstler
March 1, 2025
Turns out new Attorney General Pam Bondi was a little off the mark earlier this week when she said the Jeffrey Epstein files were sitting on her desk. Actually, it was a six-hundred-pound tar-smeared hairball with a gift tag that read: "To Pamela Jo from her Friends in Blobville, good luck untangling this!" Well, she did tell Fox News host Jesse Waters that the thing sitting on her desk was "disgusting."
Gaza n'est pas à vendre, quoi qu'en dise Trump
L'absurde projet de Trump consistant à annexer Gaza ne sera jamais toléré par les Palestiniens.
Source : Michel Moushabeck, Truthout
Traduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises
Depuis que le président Donald Trump a pris ses fonctions il y a près de deux semaines, il a signé des dizaines de décrets qui nuiront à chacun d'entre nous ici sur le plan national, et qui accentueront encore davantage le repli sur soi et l'affaiblissement de la position des États-Unis dans le monde.
Soit Zelensky «conclut un accord», soit les États-Unis «s'en lavent les mains», avertit Trump
Trump, Zelensky, le Bureau ovale et un excellent jeu d'acteur
par Kirill K.
Tout le monde a-t-il regardé la performance de deux acteurs professionnels aujourd'hui - l'homme d'affaires et bon showman Trump et le criminel de guerre (dans le passé avec une carrière créative en tant que comédien dans «Kvartal-95») Zelensky ? Sinon, vous n'avez rien perdu, car le but de cette performance était prévisible à l'avance, mais leurs deux performances sont définitivement dignes d'un Oscar.